Topic: PHP problem - functions within regex

I have the following PHP function which I use to roll a dice using the d20 format (2d6+2 for example) for describing the role.

function dice($rollwhat) {

        $ex = explode("d",$rollwhat);
        $diceroll = 0;
        if (eregi("\+",$rollwhat)) {
                $ex2 = explode("+",$ex[1]);
                for ($i = 1; $i <= $ex[0]; $i++) {
                        $diceroll = round($diceroll + rand(1,$ex2[0]));
                $result = round($diceroll + $ex2[1]);
        } elseif (eregi("-",$rollwhat)) {
                $ex2 = explode("-",$ex[1]);
                for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
                        $diceroll = round($diceroll + rand(1,$ex2[0]));
                $result = round($diceroll - $ex2[1]);
        } elseif (eregi("%",$rollwhat) || eregi("100",$rollwhat)) {
                $ex[1] = str_replace("%","",$ex[1]);
                if (eregi("\+",$rollwhat)) {
                        $ex2 = explode("-",$ex[1]);
                        for ($i = 1; $i <= $ex[0]; $i++) {
                                $dice1 = rand(0,9);
                                $dice2 = rand(0,9);
                                $combine_rolls = $dice1."".$dice2;
                                if ($combine_rolls==00) $rolled = 100;
                                else $rolled = $combine_rolls;
                                $diceroll = round($diceroll + $rolled);
                        $result = round($diceroll + $ex2[1]);
                } elseif (eregi("-",$rollwhat)) {
                        $ex2 = explode("-",$ex[1]);
                        for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
                                $dice1 = rand(0,9);
                                $dice2 = rand(0,9);
                                $combine_rolls = $dice1."".$dice2;
                                if ($combine_rolls==00) $rolled = 100;
                                else $rolled = $combine_rolls;
                                $diceroll = round($diceroll + $rolled);
                        $result = round($diceroll - $ex2[1]);
                } else {
                        for ($i = 1; $i <= $ex[0]; $i++) {
                                $dice1 = rand(0,9);
                                $dice2 = rand(0,9);
                                $combine_rolls = $dice1."".$dice2;
                                if ($combine_rolls==00) $rolled = 100;
                                else $rolled = $combine_rolls;
                                $diceroll = round($diceroll + $rolled);
                        $result = round($diceroll);
        } else {
                for ($i = 1; $i <= $ex[0]; $i++) {
                        $diceroll = round($diceroll + rand(1,$ex[1]));
                $result = round($diceroll);
        return $rollwhat." = ".$result;


The function works as expected when I call it using:


// function seen above here

echo dice("2d9+9"); //returns: 2d9+9 = the result of the role


The problem I'm having results when attempting to implement it as BBcode within PunBB.

I have added the function dice to the functions.php file in the include directory.

I have added the following code to post.php aswell as the parse_message function as I don't want the dice rerolling everytime someone refreshs the page. It is before the SQL query to add messages to the database.

$message = preg_replace('#\[diceroll\](.*?)\[/diceroll\]#s',dice('$1'),$message);

My problem is that the result for the dice roll is always 0 which is impossible to roll as seen in the function.

As I mentioned earlier, calling the function with echo dice("1d6+2"); works correctly.

Why is this happening and how can I fix it?

Thanks in advance.

Christopher Clarke

Blog / dA / MySpace / Facebook / GAIA

Twisted Legacy  - great community

2 (edited by SirNotApearingOnThisForum 2007-01-10 23:46)

Re: PHP problem - functions within regex

the problem, I believe, is that preg_replace takes a string as a second argument; what's happening is that the dice function is first called with the parameter '$1', then the return value (ie. '$1 = 0') is used as the replacement string.  I'd do something like this (assuming dice() isn't used for something else as well):

$message = preg_replace_callback('#\[diceroll\](.+?)\[/diceroll\]#s', 'dice', $message);

then, in the dice function, add this to the very beginning

$rollwhat = $rollwhat[1];


Re: PHP problem - functions within regex

Thank you, I will try it.

Christopher Clarke

Blog / dA / MySpace / Facebook / GAIA

Twisted Legacy  - great community

Re: PHP problem - functions within regex

woops, managed to mispell something and forget some quotes.  sorry about that, fixed now.

Re: PHP problem - functions within regex

It works.

I did have a few problems initially where the script was timing out but it turns out I had made a change to my dice function that I should not have. Replacing it with the dice function I had in my dice test file and adding the line of code you suggested fixed the problem, so the dice roller now works as intended.

Thank you.

Christopher Clarke

Blog / dA / MySpace / Facebook / GAIA

Twisted Legacy  - great community