Topic: Farm installation?

Basic question:

Can punbb be installed as a "farm" configuration, ie one installation for multiple domains? Meaning each domain appears to have its own installation, but in fact is sharing one common installation...


- Henrik

Re: Farm installation?

You mean like this?

Re: Farm installation?

No, this time I'm thinking about a separate database or tableset for each forum, a common installed code base for punbb, and separate configurations for each domain.

(My my my how time flies, that last post was 2 years ago!!)

- Henrik

Re: Farm installation?

Yeah, that would be possible, it's similar to the way MyPunBB, PunBB-Hosting, etc work. It would require modifications to the code, of course.

Re: Farm installation?

Fair enough. And in your judgement, would that be days weeks or months of effort? Would it be something possibly of interest here, meaning could I get guidance on how to make the modifications generic enough to integrate in the core, or as an add-on?

- Henrik

BTW a quick peek suggests PunBB supports SQLite. True? Then it might be fairly easy to set up a database for each domain...(ie: if it ain't there, make one).

The other issue would be relative addressing. So if there was a punbbstart.php in each domain's start directory that said

include_once("punbb's main driver script".php)

Would everything work? Or could be made to work? With reference to config files in the local dir...

- Henrik

Re: Farm installation?

You'll certainly have to make it as a modification wink
PunBB does indeed support SQLite, but it wouldn't be difficult to write a script to set one up for any DB.
Easiest way would be to edit include/common.php so that the db_prefix (and/or database) changes depending on the domain you visit. You'll also need to edit include/cache.php (so each forum gets its own cache files), profile.php (avatars) and perhaps more (ie: if you want to allow different templates for each forum, you'll need to edit header.php)