Topic: Table names

When I installed punBB on my website, I messed something up the first time. Then I did the big mistake and didn't delete the database, because I was in a big hurry. So I just chose another prefix for the tables. Now something seems to be messed up. For example, the tables for the poll plugin have the old prefix punbb, although they should have the prefix forum. That is probably what causes the message
        "Error: Unable to fetch group forum permission list. ",
when I try to edit my forums.

What could I do?
Thanks for the help.

FluxBB - v1.4.8

Re: Table names

Enable debug mode, paste the full error

3 (edited by lie2815 2007-05-15 17:52)

Re: Table names

Here you go.

File: <mysite>/forum/admin_forums.php
Line: 345

PunBB reported: Unable to fetch group forum permission list 

Database reported: Unknown column 'g.g_post_polls' in 'field list' (Errno: 1054) 

Failed query: SELECT g.g_id, g.g_title, g.g_read_board, g.g_post_replies, g.g_post_topics, g.g_post_polls, fp.read_forum, fp.post_replies, fp.post_topics, fp.image_upload FROM forumgroups AS g LEFT JOIN forumforum_perms AS fp ON (g.g_id=fp.group_id AND fp.forum_id=6) WHERE g.g_id!=1 ORDER BY g.g_id
FluxBB - v1.4.8

Re: Table names

How can I - using phpMyAdmin - copy sql tables? I don't know why, but the g_post_polls table really has a punbb_-prefix, although it is supposed to be _forum. Can I just copy the table somehow? Why did it do that like that anyways? Is that because of the poll mod code?
Thanks for any answers.

FluxBB - v1.4.8

Re: Table names

g_post_polls is not a table, it's a column
Run install_mod.php for the poll mod in the root directory of your forum

6 (edited by lie2815 2007-05-15 17:53)

Re: Table names

File: <mysite>/forum/install_mod.php
Line: 25

PunBB reported: Impossible d'ajouter les champs nécessaires à la table 

Database reported: Duplicate column name 'question' (Errno: 1060) 

Failed query: ALTER TABLE forumtopics ADD `question` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ADD `yes` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, ADD `no` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL

Do you want me to restore first?

FluxBB - v1.4.8

Re: Table names

Wow, I just did restore and it said:
"Unable to delete forumgroups => g_post_polls ; please remove manually"
So, it is really this mistake.
Let's see, I'll try to install it again, now.

FluxBB - v1.4.8

Re: Table names

Found it!!!

I just added an extra line to the install_mod file. He just had not included the line to add the column. Well, now it works. Thanks a lot.

FluxBB - v1.4.8