1 (edited by Kab 2007-02-25 05:01)

Topic: database problems with install.php

I'm trying to install punbb on my new website ?  I?m totally clueless when it comes to databases?

I did make a MySQL Database and password through my host. but I still dont know what to type in for the
"Database server hostname" & "Database name" I did try for 3hrs.. but estead I would get error line 58 cant connect to MySQL database.

all I want to know is what should I put in for Database server hostname and Database name, even an example
of another site would help since all the info I put in seems it doesn't work.. I'm lost on this subject so anyhelp would help out lots


Re: database problems with install.php

Nameservers have nothing to do with databases, appears to be a server (perhaps the server you're on)?
You really have to ask your host, since your setup depends on your host. However, try "localhost" as the hostname and whatever the name of the database you created was as "database name"