Topic: Adding a New Input box?

Hi all,

I wonder if I can add a new input box that appears while registration and in the personal section of the profile menu.
Also, it is shown in topicview with every pst if available.

Is it possible? big_smile

Tnx for any help.


Re: Adding a New Input box?

It should be pretty easy to do. I don't have time to throw some code up at the moment, but if nobody has posted anything by this time tomorrow I will put a solution up.

Basicly if you know PHP or not, it should still be pretty easy to do.


1. Add a new field to your users table using phpMyAdmin.
2. Add the HTML to the appropriate parts of register.php and profile.php (http://htmldog.com)
3. Add to the SQL query's in the appropriate parts of register.php and profile.php

Christopher Clarke

Blog / dA / MySpace / Facebook / GAIA

Twisted Legacy  - great community


Re: Adding a New Input box?

what is it that you wish to put in this box?


Re: Adding a New Input box?


Thank you, I'll be waiting fro anybody.


Well I would like the input box to have the title "Specialization: __i__n__p__u__t__ ".
Because it is an educational forum.



Re: Adding a New Input box?

ill see what i can do if no one beets me to it.


Re: Adding a New Input box?

OH! yes..

I can forget about the 'real name' thing and change it to 'specialization'..
Now, it only needs to be in view topic..



Re: Adding a New Input box?

also in the registration to be an optional field if bossible


8 (edited by AlanCollier 2007-03-01 10:15)

Re: Adding a New Input box?

This is probably achievable with the Easy Profile Fields: Extended 1.0 mod. That said, it's quite cumbersome and I would prefer to be able to just manually add the form items to the profile.php myself but editing profile.php is too complicated for me, I don't understand what to put where!

I've been asking for someone to help me just add a boolean field with a radio button instead of a textbox for input (on the profile form), can anyone help please?
