Topic: BB_Code_ImgSize

Great mod only one thing i want to change and maybe somebody can help me with that. When you click on a small picture you get the full picture in another window.


Re: BB_Code_ImgSize

not needed anymore, solved it on my ownnnn smile


Re: BB_Code_ImgSize

Could you explain how you did it? Im looking for that too.

Re: BB_Code_ImgSize

okay... i just change something in the parser

// Turns an URL from the [img] tag into an <img> tag or a <a href...> tag
function handle_img_tag($url, $is_signature = false)
    global $lang_common, $pun_config, $pun_user;

    //$img_tag = '<a href="'.$url.'"><'.$lang_common['Image link'].'></a>';
    if (stristr($url, $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]) === false)
        $img_tag = '<a href="'.$url.'" onclick="; return false;"><'.$lang_common['Image link'].'></a>';
        $img_tag = '<a href="'.$url.'"><'.$lang_common['Image link'].'></a>';

    if ($is_signature && $pun_user['show_img_sig'] != '0')
        $img_tag = '<img class="sigimage" src="'.$url.'" alt="'.htmlspecialchars($url).'" />';
    else if (!$is_signature && $pun_user['show_img'] != '0')
        $img_tag = '<a href="'.$url.'" target="_blank"><img class="postimg" src="'.$url.'" alt="'.htmlspecialchars($url).'" /></a>';

    // ************************ FOR PLUGIN: BB_Code_ImgSize ********************** //

    $img_tag = BB_Code_ImgSize($img_tag);

    // *************************************************************************** //

    return $img_tag;

This is my thing, simpel but it works smile

        $img_tag = '<a href="'.$url.'" target="_blank"><img class="postimg" src="'.$url.'" alt="'.htmlspecialchars($url).'" /></a>';