Topic: PunBB forum emails being detected as SPAM (gmail)
Messages from PunBB keep being detected as spam; sometimes in Apple's Mail.App and always in Gmail (where users don't see any messages unless they look in their spam inbox).
Interestingly, spamassassin tends to pass PunBB messages fine, often with a negative score. Hotmail passes the messages fine, too. Normal emails (i.e. not from PunBB) from the same domain go through fine to Gmail etc.
I'm not new to spam/emails/etc at all: I know the servers/domain names/MX records/etc are fine. I'm not using SPF records, though. I've tried restructuring the emails PunBB sends but nothing I seem to be doing is working.
Any ideas, anyone? Do other people have this issue (and how did they solve it)?