Topic: Can't logon to Administrator

Hi, I just installed a punBB forum ( I logged in as Administrator but when I try to go to the admin panel I get the following error:

" … _index.php"

Re: Can't logon to Administrator

I'm not sure (since that's not an error) but perhaps it has something to do with your modifications?

Re: Can't logon to Administrator

I posted the wrong thing, sorry! This is the error:

An error was encountered
Error: Unable to fetch online count.

Re: Can't logon to Administrator

Enable debug mode, paste the full error

Re: Can't logon to Administrator

File: /mnt/w0703/d14/s24/b028dad5/www/
Line: 96

PunBB reported: Unable to fetch online count

Database reported: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (Errno: 2013)

Re: Can't logon to Administrator

That's an issue with your host (which I would guess is Netfirms, since they seem to be the only host with this issue)

You'll need to make at least the first change, the second and third are necessary only if you continue to get errors

Re: Can't logon to Administrator

I made all those changes, but after the last one I got this error:

File: /mnt/w0703/d14/s24/b028dad5/www/
Line: 162

PunBB reported: Unable to fetch reports info

Database reported: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (Errno: 2013)

Re: Can't logon to Administrator

That's odd: I'm curious though, since that makes me think the underlying problem isn't with the queries.
Try undoing all of those changes and doing the following:


// Get the server load averages (if possible)
if (@file_exists('/proc/loadavg') && is_readable('/proc/loadavg'))
    // We use @ just in case
    $fh = @fopen('/proc/loadavg', 'r');
    $load_averages = @fread($fh, 64);

    $load_averages = @explode(' ', $load_averages);
    $server_load = isset($load_averages[2]) ? $load_averages[0].' '.$load_averages[1].' '.$load_averages[2] : 'Not available';
else if (!in_array(PHP_OS, array('WINNT', 'WIN32')) && preg_match('/averages?: ([0-9\.]+),[\s]+([0-9\.]+),[\s]+([0-9\.]+)/i', @exec('uptime'), $load_averages))
    $server_load = $load_averages[1].' '.$load_averages[2].' '.$load_averages[3];
    $server_load = 'Not available';


$server_load = 'Not available';

Re: Can't logon to Administrator

Bingo bango.

Thanks for the help Smarty's.

Re: Can't logon to Administrator

Wow, that worked?
OK, I'll just make sure we figure out why this is for 1.3 tongue

Re: Can't logon to Administrator

codelearn: If it's not too much trouble, could you run the following PHP script


and report back what the output was? It should help us figured out why admin_index.php is failing for your host smile