Topic: sqlite related bug in 1.3-dev changeset 925

I downloaded changeset 925 and found errors with use of sqlite.

in folder dblayer both sqlite.php and pgsql.php lack the function 'query_build'.

in install.php for both sqlite and pgsql at the part of creating table 'users' the fields 'format_time' and 'format_date' should be 'time_format' and 'date_format'.

Re: sqlite related bug in 1.3-dev changeset 925

SQLite support probably hasn't been added yet to 1.3


Re: sqlite related bug in 1.3-dev changeset 925

Oh yes, every thing seems to be working fine after making these small changes.

Re: sqlite related bug in 1.3-dev changeset 925

Closed: we're not taking bug reports for 1.3 quite yet wink
The query_builder is missing for a reason: it's just being tested right now
I just corrected the install.php issue though, thanks smile