Topic: Little job offer: Request for a very simple calendar code snippet
I need a quite simple and specific little tool, but after several tries I can't get my close-to-non-existent PHP skills around it. So I'll need help, and I can compensate (a little, since it's a very simple, and rough, job, nothing fancy here) for it.
Summary: what I need is to be able to give a year (between 1980 and 2100, and more if possible) and to get in return a clean XHTML (semantic and valid XHTML 1.0 strict) calendar of that year (just a simple xhtml display, no action besides that, I told you it was simple). The day with Full Moon and New Moon needs to be mentioned in the relevant days.
Refinement 1: if a Time Zone is given with the year, each day in the calendar has the sunrise and sunset local hours mentioned (in hh:mm 24h format).
Refinement 2: if a UseDST parameter is set, the local time is adjusted simplistically: from UTC to UTC+2, DST is applied at 2am from the last March Sunday to the last October Sunday; and from UTC-5 to UTC-10, DST is applied at 2am from April first Sunday to October last Sunday. If outside that range, the UTC/UTC+2 setting is applied if UseDST is selected.
Note: if someone has a "real" DST library he can use, that would be fine by me, if it doesn't increase the cost.
License: can be release as any license wanted (I just need to be able to do whatever I want with it once I have it). I doubt it interest anybody else, but if the coder wants to release it as CC or GPL or whatever (for example because he needs to borrow code from somewhere else, under that license), not a problem for me.
How to give parameters: from the URL. If /calendar/ is the base URL, /calendar/yyyy/ give the calendar for that year. /calendar/yyyy/+xx/ or /calendar/yyyy/-xx/ give the time zone. /calendar/yyyy/+xx/ete/ add the UseDST parameter.
Environment: Textpattern 4.0.4 and later (optional, see above), Apache 1.3 and later with rewrite rules, PHP 5.1.2 and later (I can provide a phpinfo()); if needed (I don't see why, but...) MySQL 5.0 and later.
I will do all the XHTML part needed (provide with bits of html code, edit the PHP source to add whatever semantic, id, class, etc. I'll need), CSS, localization (in French, but I can edit the PHP source for that if needed). I don't need something fancy, pluggable in another API or anything like that, just something that get the works done.
Note: it can be done as a Textpattern plugin, but also as a standalone php file, outside of Textpattern. Both are fine by me, so the simplest (hence the cheapest) is the best.
If you are interested (need a little pocket money, want to publish a first time simple plugin, etc.), please send me a mail with a quote and details.