Topic: topic preview and easypoll integration
Recently i try to combine these two extension for our forum. The problem was if you click to a poll link from active entries box of topic preview, it didnt redirect you to poll and you couldnt see the pool, you could only see message.
But instead of clicking from active entries box, if you browse forum normally you can see the pool+related message together.
i have made a little modification on mod_topicpreview.php and i would like share it with you.
Please open include/mod_topicpreview.php
---FIND line 93---
if ($cur_topic['sticky'] == '1')
$last_post = '<span class="stickytext">'.$lang_forum['Sticky'].': </span>'.$last_post;
$item_status .= ' isticky';
if ($cur_topic['question'])
$last_post='<a href="viewpoll.php?id='.$cur_topic['id'].'" onmouseover="ddrivetip(\''.$cur_topic['question'].'\')" onmouseout="hideddrivetip()">'.pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_topic['question']).'</a>';
all done !!