Topic: 1.3 Default location for "The post is located at" URL should be moved

This is a quick "fix":

In 1.3  I really think the default location for the "The post is located at" URL should be above the line "The message reads as follows:".  This is of course assuming that the user has opted to "Include post in subscription e-mails."

Many posts are often VERY long.  If you want to see all the other posts on the forum then you need to scroll through the email to get to the link.   I think the link should be at the top of the page (which is why I moved it to the top of the page in all my forums).

Any reasons not to have it above the line "The message reads as follows:" at the top of the subscription email?

Rob Ludlow - Repository of all Stuff Nifty! - Professor Ratings + Teacher Reviews