Topic: pictures in title?

how do I set it so I can put pictures in the title of the user rather than just words?


and <img tags dont work

thanks in advance.

Re: pictures in title?

You would have to edit the function which generates the titles so that either BBCode is allowed or HTML is allowed (I'd go for BBCode)

Re: pictures in title?

mind helping me out on what to change / how to change it? because I've been trying to mess around with the code and I can't get anything to remotley work.

thanks in advance again.

Re: pictures in title?

get_title function in include/functions.php, you need to decide HTML versus BBCode and then which ranks you want to allow the extra stuff in

Re: pictures in title?

can you help me out a little further?

my knowledge in PHP is very limited.

=/ sorry to be a bother.

Re: pictures in title?

Sure: which ranks do you want to allow BBCode for?

7 (edited by GeoffG 2007-03-27 23:32)

Re: pictures in title?

Well I was planning to add a different picture for each user group... =/

example with a user bar

Re: pictures in title?

OK, so you want to change the custom group ranks (as opposed to the custom member ranks, or the number of post ranks). See if this works:


    // If the user group has a default user title
    else if ($user['g_user_title'] != '')
        $user_title = pun_htmlspecialchars($user['g_user_title']);


    // If the user group has a default user title
    else if ($user['g_user_title'] != '')
        require_once PUN_ROOT.'include/parser.php';
        $user_title = do_bbcode(pun_htmlspecialchars($user['g_user_title']));

Re: pictures in title?

it didn't seem to work =/

Re: pictures in title?

Aha, I see: replace do_bbcode with parse_message

11 (edited by GeoffG 2007-03-28 18:59)

Re: pictures in title?

when I do that... I get this

Warning: Missing argument 2 for parse_message() in /home/*Folder*/public_html/include/parser.php on line 377

Re: pictures in title?

Because I'm silly and didn't think wink
Fixed code:

    // If the user group has a default user title
    else if ($user['g_user_title'] != '')
        require_once PUN_ROOT.'include/parser.php';
        $user_title = parse_message(pun_htmlspecialchars($user['g_user_title']), 1);

13 (edited by GeoffG 2007-03-28 19:03)

Re: pictures in title?

now bbc code should work?

cuz i'm trying it.... and nothing so far.

Re: pictures in title?

Are you sure your syntax is correct? try doing something simple, like


15 (edited by GeoffG 2007-03-28 20:30)

Re: pictures in title?



wow thank you so much your VERY helpfuly.

Re: pictures in title?

Try using


17 (edited by GeoffG 2007-03-28 20:31)

Re: pictures in title?

^^ you comment very fast lol read the above heheh

thanks again  big_smile

Re: pictures in title?

No problem wink


Re: pictures in title?

*anyway to increase the character limit ?? of a title?

Re: pictures in title?

Change the size of the column in the database and increase the maxlength attribute on the input box?