Topic: problems installing punbb on a synology ds106e nas unit

I have copied the punbb folder to the web folder of my nas unit and actived mysql and all the other stuff needed. then I ran the installtion and made a config.php and copied it to my unit /web/punbb/upload/ (web is the folder of the nas where it want to have all mysql stuff).

I tried to have both localhost and my internal ip in the config file but nothing worked. any ideas of basic steps I might have missed?

Re: problems installing punbb on a synology ds106e nas unit

Are you getting an error?

Re: problems installing punbb on a synology ds106e nas unit

What does a phpinfo say when run from the device?

Probably better to ask your question here too: http://www.synology.com/enu/forum/viewforum.php?f=20

Looks a cool device though. Nice webdev platform, potentially, as well as media sharer/backup etc.


Re: problems installing punbb on a synology ds106e nas unit

I try to reach http://xxxx.ath.cx/punbb/upload/index.php and get The file 'config.php' doesn't exist or is corrupt. Please run install.php to install PunBB first.

Re: problems installing punbb on a synology ds106e nas unit

OK, so you have done the basics:

- gotten MySQL and PHP and Apache (if applicable) working OK;
- created a empty MySQL database to hold your forum, and given it a name;
- created a MySQl user to own and operate that database too, if needed.
- then decided on the location for your punBB files in the folder system on your server (usually something like /home/username/mysitename/www/mypunbbforum

Then you've followed the punBB docs:

Copy/upload all contents of the directory upload/ into the directory where you want to run your forums. 
Run install.php from the forum root directory (e.g. open http://mydomain/myforums/install.php in your browser). Follow the instructions.

Then you have setup your "Database type", "Database server hostname" "Database name" "Table prefix" "Administrator username" "Administrator password 1" "Administrator's e-mail" "Base URL" as instructed by install.php.

And then you have created a new file called 'config.php' which you have placed in the root of the directory  you want to run punbb in  -eg /home/username/mysitename/www/mypunbbforum.

So you now have a website folder hierarchy that looks like this:

/www - the standard root of your Apache (or whatever) website,

and within that your punbb forum folders:

-/mypunbbforum - the root of your forum, with PHP files like register.php, viewforum.php and config.php there

and the following folders:


That's all that is usually technically necessary to kick punBB into life. Do the basic config operations, then upload the files into the right place.

Please note that there is NO folder named 'upload' in the example above - that's just meant to be the name of the folder you upload your files FROM, into a folder like /www/mypunbbforum/ on your server.

If you have successfully done all the technical steps above, I suspect your problem may be as simple as having uploaded all your files in the wrong place. Maybe check that step again.

In particular, ditch the 'upload' folder and just unzip or move the main punBB files into your root punbb folder. In particular your config.php file. That's where punBB is looking for it.

6 (edited by romeo 2007-04-05 07:49)

Re: problems installing punbb on a synology ds106e nas unit

Ok. thx. smile I think I got everything right now. but when I tried to finish  the setup it says "An error occured.

PunBB reported: A table called "users" is already present in the database "punbb". This could mean that PunBB is already installed or that another piece of software is installed and is occupying one or more of the table names PunBB requires. If you want to install multiple copies of PunBB in the same database, you must choose a different table prefix.
what to do?


Re: problems installing punbb on a synology ds106e nas unit

ps also myphpadmin complains that I havent fixed some file about users, so right now anyone with my correct adress can enter as root by default. how do I secure  my server? ds


Re: problems installing punbb on a synology ds106e nas unit

I tried to empty the users and now I get the error when I try to install "An error occured on line 430 in file /volume1/web/punbb/install.php.

PunBB reported: Unable to create table bans. Please check your settings and try again.

Database reported: Table 'bans' already exists (Errno: 1050)"


Re: problems installing punbb on a synology ds106e nas unit

i've tried to delete all the bans, users tables and managed to go through the install.php without complain. copied the text that I was told into a .txt document that I later renamed  config.php and uploaded to the server. now that I try to access the website it http://xxxxxxx.ath.cx/punbb/index.php firefox says "done" and the whole site is white and nothing there. empty sad


Re: problems installing punbb on a synology ds106e nas unit

Ditch the old database if it is causing you problems. An easy fix.

Create a brand new MySQL database and then modify config.php to tell punBB about it. That should clear up the database errors at least smile  Then try running punBB again.

In terms of MySQL/PHPMyAdmin, you have to learn about user 'privileges' in MySQL.

What PHPMyAdmin is saying that you should setup a root user with a good password with 'privileges' to control all the databases you create. All users in MySQL need to have 'privileges' defined for what they can and can't do against specific databases. PHPMyAdmin is reminding you that unless you are careful in setting up MySQL's root account, anyone who can connect to MySQL on your device may easily take full control of your data. Not good.

If MySQL is only being accessed on a internal network, that may not worry you too much. But if it is publicly accessible, your device/webserver/MySQL needs to be secured, and securing MySQL is a big part of that. 

You will find a link to the 'privileges' area of PHPMyAdmin on the first page of PHPMyAdmin. Make sure you setup a root user who has full privileges and setup a strong password for them too.

how do I secure  my server?

That's a bigger issue.

If you aren't confident that you are able to put up a server where at least Apache is secure, PHP is secure, MySQL is secure and your file-system is secure, I really would suggest that you think again before putting any web server on a publicly accessible network. You will regret it if you don't.


Re: problems installing punbb on a synology ds106e nas unit

hi! now I finally managed to get my server up and running and secured my site. now I wonder if it is needed to install a accelerator?


Re: problems installing punbb on a synology ds106e nas unit

ps is there a way to keep my forum private so only users on the forum can read the posts? and can I make so that its an invitation only forum? ds smile

13 (edited by MattF 2007-04-05 18:59)

Re: problems installing punbb on a synology ds106e nas unit

romeo wrote:

ps is there a way to keep my forum private so only users on the forum can read the posts? and can I make so that its an invitation only forum? ds smile

You can do that from the admin panel.


Re: problems installing punbb on a synology ds106e nas unit

I managed to turn off guest so they cant do anything and turn of so people cant register themself. but where do I send out invitations or add users?