1 (edited by Utchin 2007-04-04 12:42)

Topic: unwanted line?

i have a blue unwanted line on my forum... its just a thin line???

this is from main.tpl

the code is

 <div id="brdtitle" class="inbox">

  <div id="pun" class="pun">
  <div id="brdheader" class="block">
    <div class="box"> 


what could be causing it

Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.

Re: unwanted line?

that code is just the template code not the style code which is your problem.

can you link to the page that gives the problem?

FluxBB - Less is more

3 (edited by Utchin 2007-04-20 06:41)

Re: unwanted line?

not fixed...

the line shows up on every page as it is in the main.tpl........ and if you remove that hole block of code, it mucks up the site, but removes that bar!

i seem to have a prob with the tet size, its fine on FF tho....

Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.


Re: unwanted line?

#brdheader div has a 4px top border set on it which, if the div is empty, will appear as a stripe. Just remove the border setting in your stylesheet.

As for the font size problem

Re: unwanted line?

thanks paul...

when i removed the line, it got thinner, but didnt remove, i just removed

/* 4.1 By default borders are 1px solid */

DIV.box, .pun TD, .pun TH, .pun BLOCKQUOTE, DIV.codebox, DIV.forminfo, DIV.blockpost LABEL {
    BORDER-STYLE: solid;
Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.


Re: unwanted line?

Thats the wrong bit. This is the bit you want

/* 4.2 Special settings for the board header. */

#brdheader DIV.box {BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 4px}

change it to

#brdheader DIV.box {border-style: none; border-width: 0}