Topic: Merge Forums Within PUNBB

I have two sub-forums in one of the categories of my Punbb forum that I believe can be merged to become one. I am wondering how is this technically possible..

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Re: Merge Forums Within PUNBB

Change the forum ID. Well, that should work with subforums too, although I tend to stay away from them.

Re: Merge Forums Within PUNBB

Why stay away?
If I make subforums 1, 2 and 3, become 1, 2 and 2..That means that 2 and 3 will merge?
I though of it, but I wasn't sure. Then the resulting forum will take which description?

If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.

Re: Merge Forums Within PUNBB

Forum 3 would be changed to forum 2, so it would take forum 2's description obvisouly...

Re: Merge Forums Within PUNBB

But posts won't be rewritten over or anything, right?
I am not risking anything?

If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.

Re: Merge Forums Within PUNBB

You shouldn't be risking anything, no. But make a backup just in case.

Re: Merge Forums Within PUNBB

Err..didn't work.
It just made forum 3 go upper forum 2. No merge nor anything sad
Thanks anyway, elbekko smile

If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.

8 (edited by elbekko 2007-04-14 18:16)

Re: Merge Forums Within PUNBB

Eh? Just change the forum IDs of the threads and it should work, unless the subforum mod is even more retarded than I thought.

Re: Merge Forums Within PUNBB

I have punBB 1.2.13 with no mods installed at all.
Just at this precise moment, I failed TERRIBLY in installing the puntoolbar sad

Maybe PunBB should launch as well interfaces that has some of the main mods for people who can't handle them well, like me sad

If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.

Re: Merge Forums Within PUNBB

Is this making my dream come true: ?

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