fmimoso, thanks for the comments i was about to redo the header and footer image.
and the redirect link needs fixed. there are several other files that you have to fix also misc.php,forum.php,edit.php and login.php
the header image has to be around 770 or 760 px because im working on a style for someone.
im trying to work the bugs out of the style. the header image needs to sit on top of the menu bar
the footer image needs to sit agains the bottom footer.
that shadow also needs droped.. i was playing around with photoshop
the navbar has to be re-done because i have a mouse over image that im trying to get working on it. all in all it a good start.
thanks for the comments and keep them coming.
My stuff or my style might sux, but atleast I'm willing to help when I can.
Don't be stupid and help ! We are the stupid one's !!!