Topic: Miniportal Question


I have added a miniportal to my forum and used connorhd's description (
It works very fine, thanks connorhd.


I want the sidebars only on my frontpage. So I have copied the content of main.tpl and header.php and created new files named main_index.tpl and head_index.php.

main_index.tpl and head_index.php are now according to connorhd's description.
main.tpl and head.php are the original ones.

The index.php includes now main_index.tpl and head_index.php

It works well, now I have the sidebar only on the frontpage and the forum is without them.

My questions are now:
Is there a simpler way to do that?
Would you suggest another way to do that?
Do I corrupt any functionallity in punbb wiht my method?

Sorry if my questions are stupid. I'm very new to php and programming at all.


Re: Miniportal Question

i do something like that but i use portal.tpl
and have a index.php pull the portal.tpl
ur doing it right
there are several mods and way of doing it..
do u got a link?


My stuff or my style might sux, but atleast I'm willing to help when I can.
Don't be stupid and help ! We are the stupid one's !!!

3 (edited by wechselbass 2007-05-03 16:30)

Re: Miniportal Question

Hello quaker,

yes the link is http://www . wechselbass . de

But in the moment I just play around with it and try to get familiar with punbb
