1 (edited by Seattle4310 2007-05-05 08:35)

Topic: Changing centered alignment on posts to left

All posts on our website discussion boards (www.vmfp.org) are centered.  I can't find the place to set default alignment to left.

Example of what we have:  http://www.vmfp.org/board/viewtopic.php?pid=814#p814

What we would like to have:

Week One
Wed ?  May 2 ? 8:00 pm Eastern ? Membership Committee
Thur -  May 3 ? 8:00 pm Eastern ? Operations & Projects Committee
Sat   -  May 5 ? 10:00 AM Eastern ? Media / PR
Sun -   May 6 ? 8:00 pm Eastern ? 2007 VMFP Conference Planning Task Force

thanks for your help.


Re: Changing centered alignment on posts to left

I actually don't see that, but I do see one oddly cenetred thing:

H2 {
        font-family: /*Trebuchet MS,*/ Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
        font-size: 18px;
    color: #104070;
    background: transparent;
      font-weight: bold;
      text-align: center


Re: Changing centered alignment on posts to left

it is an IE bug, it works dfine in FF.
To solve this on my board I did the following modification in section 5 of Oxygen.css:

HTML, BODY {MARGIN: 0; PADDING: 0; text-align:center}
#punwrap {width:XXXpx; margin:12px auto; text-align:left}

where XXX is the width of your board.

Re: Changing centered alignment on posts to left

Thanks,  I have forwarded your ideas to our webmaster, as your response is over my technical ability and I would hate to crash our website trying.

I was hoping there was some "yes, no" option somewhere in the administration area of our discussion pages that I could select to correct the problem.