Topic: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

I am new (as you can tell). I dont even know how to set it up, I have a website at bravehost and I wanna setup forums about audiogames, which are games for the blind. What do I need and how can I get it, and is it free. Also I need to know what to upload, and if you could tell me the approxamite size that would be good, I only have 50mb. Anyway I also would like a manual on how to use this thing, because I have invisionfree forums that are crappy, pieces of junk. So... Reply...

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

And what does it mean, subscribe to this topic? But if you could answer the other questions, I dont know where to find anything.
Thank you,
Andy Smith

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

andy smith (I am blind) wrote:

What do I need and how can I get it, and is it free.

You need the forum software. You can get it at (and yes, it's free). smile

andy smith (I am blind) wrote:

Also I need to know what to upload

You'll be download a file that is compressed in some fashion. Once you uncompress it, you'll want to upload the contents of the upload folder.

andy smith (I am blind) wrote:

and if you could tell me the approxamite size that would be good, I only have 50mb.

< 1 MB, for the PHP and images anyway

andy smith (I am blind) wrote:

Anyway I also would like a manual on how to use this thing, because I have invisionfree forums that are crappy, pieces of junk

What kind of information are you looking for?

andy smith (I am blind) wrote:

And what does it mean, subscribe to this topic?

It means you can get email notifications when someone posts in the topic

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

Like how to get this whole thing started. I have a bravehost website, and I just dont know what to upload, how to run the php script (it is php right...), and how to do that database thing that you need. It said something about my sql, what is that, and how can I get that? Once I have that where should I put it, on the website, or install it on my computer...

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

andy smith (I am blind) wrote:

Like how to get this whole thing started. I have a bravehost website, and I just dont know what to upload,

As I said, the steps are as follows:
1. Download a copy of PunBB
2. Uncompress it
3. Upload the contents of the folder named "upload" to the server
To install, you simply go to your browser and type the address where you uploaded it to and add install.php at the end (so if my site is named and I uploaded the files to the "forum" folder, I would browser to Enter the details it asks for and PunBB will install. You then need to copy the text the script generates (it generates a PHP script), save the text as config.php, and upload it to the same place you uploaded all the other files

andy smith (I am blind) wrote:

how to run the php script (it is php right...),

PHP is run by the server when you browse to the page in your browser.

andy smith (I am blind) wrote:

and how to do that database thing that you need.

That's something your host's control panel should allow you to do, create a MySQL database and user

andy smith (I am blind) wrote:

It said something about my sql, what is that, and how can I get that?

MySQL is a database system that PunBB uses (PostgreSQL and SQLite are two others). They need to be installed on your server (your host most likely installed them, you wouldn't be able to, they're actual applications) or you can't use PunBB.


Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

If you have a free package with bravehost this does not support either mysql or php. That means it is not capable of running punbb or any other forum script. Really all it can do is host basic web pages.

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

Ok. Thanks guys. You have other suggestions for forums and/or messageboards?

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

I can't think of any that don't require SOME dynamic programming language. If all you can do is serve static HTML, then you really can't do much in terms of a forum.

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

I got (or have just found...) a webhosting that has php and my sql. Will it work in PunBB? And I have a question: I am blind and use a screenreader. Do you think that any of punbb's functions will work with a screenreader?

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

Yes, PunBB should work

And you should be able to use PunBB with a screenreader, yes

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

I have something else:
Lets say, when you browse to the website, you need to click, for example, a link that says "forum." I can do:
<a href="">forum</a>

So in the xxx part, what address do I put so it can link?
Thank you,

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

andy smith (I am blind) wrote:

I have something else:
Lets say, when you browse to the website, you need to click, for example, a link that says "forum." I can do:
<a href="">forum</a>

So in the xxx part, what address do I put so it can link?
Thank you,

I don't know, that depends on your webhost

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

When I tried to install punbb with the webhost called zendurl
is their site, I received this error at the end:
PunBB / Error

An error was encountered
Error: Unable to write configuration cache file to cache directory. Please make sure PHP has write access to the directory 'cache'.

So now what...

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

Do what the error says: make sure PHP has write access to the cache directory. You'll probably need to chmod the folder (Google chmod if you don't know what it is/means). If that fails, you can always ask your host.

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

Hi, how do you chmod that? For example, how do I set the permissions so that php can do what it has to do? And also, how do I go about doing this, what programs/tools do I need for this chmod thing?


Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

You set file permissions with your ftp client sofware. Go to the folder you want to set permissions for. Your ftp client will usually have a submenu for folder properties which includes permissions or it may have a submenu for commands which includes chmod.

17 (edited by andy smith (I am blind) 2007-05-07 21:48)

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

What ftp clients can I use that are free because I use ie6 which obviously doesn't have that. So what kind of clients can I use for this?


Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

Filezilla is free.

Whether it is easy to use with Jaws (I assume you are using Jaws) is another matter.

Smartftp is also free.

Of the two, Smartftp seems to have the most straightforward and easily navigable interface.

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

How did you know I had Jaws...
In any case I do. I am gonna try smartftp because I saw that on google as well, first result that came up.

And now... Once I get this whole thing up and running, how and what can I do with the adminastrative interface? For example: delete users (very harsh move...), delete posts (something useful for getting rid of spam posts), and closing topics (would be cool if you want to say, "paws off this topic..."), add ranks (new member, advanced, guru, etc.). And finally: the ability to separately custimize ranks. Example: Mike: new member. But the admin wants to be something else... Whatever; just something cool to have. Actually I should'vr put that in the "suggestions" forum but...
And also how do you make forums? For example: gaming is one forum, game news another, off-topic is another...
Thank you guys,


Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

When you install PunBB there will already be a test forum setup for you. You create new categories and new forums through the administration interface which you reach via the administration link in the main menu. You can also edit the forum that was initially setup for you by changing its name and description. You can also setup user ranks through the administation interface.

You can delete, close or stick topics via the links which are the at the end of the forum and topic pages.

You may find the admin interface a little hard to use. It uses tables for layout and form controls are not as well marked up as they should be. Having said that, its probably easier than a lot of other forums.

You should be pleased to know that the next version of PunBB (including the admin interface) is aiming at compliance with accessibility priorty 2 checkpoints and has been tested on Jaws and Homepage Reader. You are the first screen reader user I've come across who has actually installed a forum from scratch which makes me think I might need to take a look at the installation procedure and the help that is available. Incidentally, do most Jaws users use Internet Explorer for ftp because it is linked to Jaws?

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

i believe they do; I haven't met someone who doesn't use ie for ftp. And... Well... I am having problems getting jaws to read the textboxes in smartftp, it just says "edit." which means an edit field; no label of anything I haveto write. So now what can I do?

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

What are catagories?

Re: I am totally new, new to everything to do with punbb

andy smith (I am blind) wrote:

What are catagories?

If you look at the index page for these forums, "PunBB", "PunBB Additions", and "General" are all examples of categories.

Looking for a certain modification for your forum? Please take a look here before posting.