Topic: Registration Attention mod

I hope this hasn't already been created. I made it just now (because I run a private forum not viewable to guests), so that when a guest views the forums, he/she is presented with a notification telling he/she must register in order to view all the forums. Kind of like what v bulletin has.

Sample: http://www.imageplugger.com/images/EIz42462.jpg
Download: http://www.punres.org/viewtopic.php?id=3324

Re: Registration Attention mod

Looks handy.

Funny item in your forum rules though:

If you are a part of a government organization, or any other organization that has the intent and/or interest of causing harm, you cannot register, and must disconnect from this server immediately.

The implication that if you are part of a govt organization you intend to do harm I find a little strange. Most govt agencies don't intend harm. Some may even want to be helpful.

Either way, best of luck in keeping govt organizations (or anyone else who wants to do any mischief) out of your site with your rules. If anyone wants to harm your site, rules won't stop them. They will find a way smile