Topic: no smiles with IE


There are not a smiles in my forum (style Novin) with Internet Explorer, smiles doesn't dislpay,
but with Mozilla Firefox everything is ok. What's the problem?

Re: no smiles with IE

I remember this thing happened in like IE 5.5 when the cache space was full, try emptying your browser's cache.

3 (edited by paw 2007-05-09 16:51)

Re: no smiles with IE

Cache space is empty, it's not helped :( 

btw i've changed a few smiles from default .img to own, but none of the smiles doesn't display (both: default and the new aren't visible)
so maybe problem is with my parser.php file?

a part of this file:

// Here you can add additional smilies if you like (please note that you must escape singlequote and backslash)
$smiley_text = array(':)', '=)', ':*', ':**', ':(', '=(', ':D', '=D', ':o', ':O', ';sk', ':cx', ':P', ':lol:', ':mad:', ':pr:', ':tuptup:');
$smiley_img = array('smile.gif', 'smile.gif', 'buziak.gif', 'cmok.gif', 'smutny.gif', 'smutny.gif', 'zeby.gif', 'zeby.gif', 'beksa.gif', 'beksa.gif', 'skromny.gif', 'chytry.gif', 'okok.gif', 'lol.png', 'mad.png', 'przytul.gif', 'tuptup.gif');

// Uncomment the next row if you add smilies that contain any of the characters &"'<>

Re: no smiles with IE

Those arrays look fine, make sure you didn't disable emoticons by default. Also try deleting the temporary internet files from IE.


Re: no smiles with IE

Thank you Strofanto
but emoticons are enabled by default, deleting the temporary internet files not helped sad

Re: no smiles with IE

Can I see a link to your forums please?

7 (edited by elbekko 2007-05-09 17:36)

Re: no smiles with IE

Your smilies display in IE, but just really, really small =/

Try completely removing the width="" height="" part.


Re: no smiles with IE

Great! it's works!

thank you very much smile

9 (edited by AndyDeacon 2007-09-19 19:31)

Re: no smiles with IE

Guys, I have this problem too. And "Try completely removing the width="" height="" part." - it's not help me. My IE7 do not want see gif smiles and after I've opened IE, my Opera 9 too, but before Opera was openning gif-animation. What you can say?


Re: no smiles with IE

AndyDeacon wrote:

What you can say?

I can say that your phrases are not really clear and without more details or a link there is little we can do to help you

11 (edited by AndyDeacon 2007-09-19 21:43)

Re: no smiles with IE

yemgi wrote:
AndyDeacon wrote:

What you can say?

I can say that your phrases are not really clear and without more details or a link there is little we can do to help you

There is the link: http://metal.by/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=39#p39

The icons I take from the QIP v2003, simply say max size of its is 51px. When I take QIP icons in the /img/smiles that have stoped to image.

There are my codes:


if ($is_signature && $pun_user['show_img_sig'] !=

        $img_tag = '<img class="sigimage" src="'.$url.'" width="51" height="51"

alt="'.htmlspecialchars($url).'" />';
    else if (!$is_signature && $pun_user['show_img'] != '0')

$img_tag = '<img class="postimg" src="'.$url.'" alt="'.htmlspecialchars($url).'" />';

    return $img_tag;

Re: no smiles with IE

and there is


if (!in_array($smiley_img[$i], $smiley_dups))
        echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".'<a href="javascript:insert_text(\''.$smiley_text[$i].'\', \'\');"><img

src="img/smilies/'.$smiley_img[$i].'" width="51" height="51" alt="'.$smiley_text[$i].'" /></a>'."\n";

Re: no smiles with IE

Smilies look fine to me. Do you have them disabled in your profile?

14 (edited by AndyDeacon 2007-09-19 22:53)

Re: no smiles with IE

Smartys wrote:

Smilies look fine to me. Do you have them disabled in your profile?

Yes? It's good now! I'm just inderstand. My mistake was in that:

that is wrong way:

'" alt="'

in parser.php


'" alt="'

in mod_easy_bbcode.php

so right do it this is the way:

'" width="51" height="51"

in parser.php



in mod_easy_bbcode.php

I'm simply lucky 'cause I know programming near 1%! Thanx for all!

And I have one more question. See the icons. There are so dirty-placed. How I can centered icons like an QIP v8030 for example. There are so clean in QIP & ICQ.

15 (edited by CodeXP 2007-09-20 01:43)

Re: no smiles with IE

AndyDeacon wrote:

And I have one more question. See the icons. There are so dirty-placed. How I can centered icons like an QIP v8030 for example. There are so clean in QIP & ICQ.

I'm not quite sure I understand what you're asking, but if you're asking how to align the smilies vertically with the text you could try adding the following to your CSS:

div.postmsg img { vertical-align: text-bottom }

Don't know how/if that'll work in IE though.

16 (edited by AndyDeacon 2007-09-20 05:41)

Re: no smiles with IE

CodeXP wrote:
AndyDeacon wrote:

And I have one more question. See the icons. There are so dirty-placed. How I can centered icons like an QIP v8030 for example. There are so clean in QIP & ICQ.

I'm not quite sure I understand what you're asking, but if you're asking how to align the smilies vertically with the text you could try adding the following to your CSS:

div.postmsg img { vertical-align: text-bottom }

Don't know how/if that'll work in IE though.

Yes I mean align verticaly & horizontaly.

Who can say how I can use that if I have:

$smiley_img = array('aa.gif', 'aa.gif', 'ab.gif', 'ab.gif', 'ab.gif', 'ac.gif', 'ac.gif', 'ac.gif', 'acd.gif', 'acd.gif', 'ae.gif', 'af.gif', 'ag.gif', 'ah.gif', 'ai.gif', 'aj.gif', 'ak.gif', 'al.gif', 'al.gif', 'am.gif', 'an.gif', 'ao.gif', 'ao.gif', 'ap.gif', 'aq.gif', 'ar.gif', 'as.gif', 'at.gif', 'au.gif', 'av.gif', 'aw.gif', 'ax.gif', 'ay.gif', 'az.gif', 'ba.gif', 'bb.gif', 'bb.gif', 'bc.gif', 'bd.gif', 'be.gif', 'bf.gif', 'bg.gif', 'bh.gif', 'bi.gif', 'bj.gif', 'bj.gif', 'bk.gif', 'bl.gif', 'bm.gif', 'bn.gif', 'bn.gif', 'bo.gif', 'bp.gif', 'bp.gif', 'bq.gif', 'bq.gif', 'bq.gif', 'bq.gif', 'br.gif', 'bs.gif', 'bt.gif', 'bt.gif', 'bu.gif', 'bu.gif', 'bv.gif', 'bv.gif', 'bw.gif');

17 (edited by mikewild 2007-10-03 22:29)

Re: no smiles with IE

I'm having the same problem... here's the code from my parser file:

// Here you can add additional smilies if you like (please note that you must escape singlequote and backslash)
$smiley_text = array(':)', '=)', ':|', ':bat:', ':(', '=(', ':D', '=D', ':o', ':O', ';)', ':/', ':P', ':lol:', ':mad:', ':rolleyes:', ':cool:', ':bat:'/);
$smiley_img = array('smile.png', 'smile.png', 'neutral.png', 'neutral.png', 'sad.png', 'sad.png', bat.png', bat.png', 'yikes.png', 'yikes.png', 'wink.png', 'hmm.png', 'tongue.png', 'lol.png', 'mad.png', 'roll.png', 'cool.png', '1.png');

// Uncomment the next row if you add smilies that contain any of the characters &"'<>
//$smiley_text = array_map('pun_htmlspecialchars', $smiley_text);

I've uploaded all the image files, but no luck getting them to display, it just shows the keyword for the image, such as I have an image called bat.png and the code to type is :bat: but that's all it shows is :bat:

if someone could rewrite the code for me, I'd forever be in your debt. the other images I've uploaded are all named 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png 5.png 6.png 7.png  as far as the text names, I don't care, as long as they disply! yikes)

18 (edited by sypie 2007-10-11 01:15)

Re: no smiles with IE

Why do you have ':bat:' as 4th smiley and as 7th file? and then as last smiley again, while there is no difference with the first one, and the 8th file as destination? The rule is that you need to put the file and the smileys on the same order, otherwise you get the wrong smiley with the wrong command. In this case you should have ':bat:' in combination with 'neutral.png', and that is also not working.

In the end of the smiley-line should be: '); instead of the [ / ] in between there.

And why the bat.png is not working: are you running on linux or Mac? maybe the file name has capitals while the code doesn't.

Here is my parser lines:

$smiley_text = array(':)', '=)', ':|', '=|', ':(', '=(', ':D', '=D', ':o', ':O', ';)', ':/', ':P', ':lol:', ':mad:', ':rolleyes:', ':cool:');
$smiley_img = array('smile.png', 'smile.png', 'neutral.png', 'neutral.png', 'sad.png', 'sad.png', 'big_smile.png', 'big_smile.png', 'yikes.png', 'yikes.png', 'wink.png', 'hmm.png', 'tongue.png', 'lol.png', 'mad.png', 'roll.png', 'cool.png');

19 (edited by mikewild 2007-10-18 19:37)

Re: no smiles with IE

I made the corrections and changed :bat: to 'IoI' still no luck. I'm running windows, file names are correct. If I knew how to install the mod that automaticly uploads images to the forum I'd be better off, but alas, I cannot figure how to install the mod either!

Here's the parser code as it appears now:

$smiley_text = array(':)', '=)', ':|', '=|', ':(', '=(', ':D',

'=D', ':o', ':O', ';)', ':/', ':P', ':lol:', ':mad:', ':rolleyes:',

':cool:', 'IoI');
$smiley_img = array('smile.png', 'smile.png',

'neutral.png', 'neutral.png', 'sad.png', 'sad.png',

'big_smile.png', 'big_smile.png', 'yikes.png',

'yikes.png', 'wink.png', 'hmm.png', 'tongue.png',

'lol.png', 'mad.png', 'roll.png', 'cool.png', 'bat.png');

Re: no smiles with IE

well I'm sharp as a marble, turns out I was making changes on a test server platform and not the live server. That helps!

Thanks for the help! yikes)