1 (edited by Fracture 2007-05-12 18:29)

Topic: phpBB theme released - Exitus Guild Forums

I threw this up to test out the new phpBB theme, which is pretty spiffy.  Changed a few grahics, and other options.  Trying to limit the authot char's for the feeds though.


PS - If you are interested in this theme, Shedrock has it zipped pre-modded (aka MegaPun).  It has some nice features, but the Blog is annoying, who needs a blog?

Re: phpBB theme released - Exitus Guild Forums

This looks very nice!

However, there's a large space between the sidebar and the content on Fx 2.x on Ubuntu Linux 7.04.

Looking for a certain modification for your forum? Please take a look here before posting.

Re: phpBB theme released - Exitus Guild Forums

Wow, that's great work! smile

Re: phpBB theme released - Exitus Guild Forums

He needs to download the latest Mega Pun. This one fixes that issue with the theme.