Topic: Question about bans

Noob here...I searched the forums and found some info, but my problem persists:

A new moderator of mine did something last night to ban everyone from our forum. I'm the admin, but I cannot log in now.

I deleted the cookie specific to the forum, but I still cannot log in.

Any idea what my mod did, and any thoughts on how I can get back in?

Thank you in advance.

Re: Question about bans

Are you sure he was a moderator and not an administrator? sounds like he deleveled you banned you off your own forums. There are ways to revert it since (I assume) you have back end access to your host.

Re: Question about bans

do you have access to your database?

FluxBB - v1.4.8


Re: Question about bans

I have admin access to those forums. Anyway I can fix it through the admin panel? I can't seem to find the problem.

Re: Question about bans

Can you access the admin panel? if so you can remove bans easily. Check the admin menu and remove all the bans.


Re: Question about bans

Well the admin isn't banned. Most of our members can't get on because they're getting a banned message. I can't seem to find any banned IP's either.

Re: Question about bans

Go to <your forum url>/admin_bans.php tell what you see.


Re: Question about bans

A list of bans. Mostly spammers & trolls that we've banned + their e-mail and a reason.

Re: Question about bans

Just them or other users that ain't supposed to be banned?

10 (edited by tettes 2007-05-18 21:31)

Re: Question about bans

I'll answer for hZm - the list consists of legit bans (Just them). For example, my name isn't listed, but I am banned.

Re: Question about bans

If you didn't modify any forum file reupload them.


Re: Question about bans

Thanks, Strofanto. I'll let you guys know what happens...thanks a ton for your help and suggestions.

Re: Question about bans

Hey no worries, just keep me informed on this, I'm curious.

14 (edited by tettes 2007-05-18 22:14)

Re: Question about bans

Solution: I downloaded the cache_bans.php file, removed an IP address that was banned and reuploaded the file. The weird thing was the user/IP wasn't listed as being banned on the administrative "Bans" page...but they were listed in that particular file.

Everything is working now.

Any ideas why banning an IP would restrict so many people from logging in?

Either way, problem solved. Thank you to everyone.

Re: Question about bans

Cached files can be deleted (since they'd be recreated updated).

Yes an idea is that the banned IP used had wild cards, like 80.*.*.* in this case all the IPs starting with 80. would have been banned.


Re: Question about bans

Gotcha. Thanks Strofanto, for helping to steer me in the right direction.