Topic: DaFun Spirit - a CMS for online teams players of FPS like CS
DaFun Spirit Software aims to be a CMS for online teams players of FPS like Counter Strike and manage
1 - Teams
2 - Members & recruitments
3 - Calendar of matchs
4 - Results/Stats
5 - Downloads (of maps or video demo )
6 - Gallery.
7 - and last but not least a forum
To produce DFSS I started from punBB for the skelton and puntal for the portal.
DFSS 1.5.3 @DaFun Spirit
DFSS 1.5.3 @PunRes
DFSS Pack 1.1 provides PunBB 1.2.12fr+puntal+DFSS 1.5.3
DFSS pack 1.1@PunBB.Fr