1 (edited by pygmalion 2007-06-10 22:00)

Topic: Need help with PunBB integration (will pay or barter)!

I'm looking for someone to modify a PunBB install to the point where it integrates smoothly into my existing page design.

I can provide recompense in the form of payment or barter (preferably the latter). Please PM me here for further details!

Re: Need help with PunBB integration (will pay or barter)!

i think people would like more information about your request first.
1. whats your existing page desgn look like?
2. is it a portal/cms system? if so which one?
3. are you using CSS?

you know those kinds of questions. mabe link to your current design or get a screen capture.

not that i would do this myself, but im sure others will be more willing to message you when you have that information first.

3 (edited by pygmalion 2007-06-10 23:43)

Re: Need help with PunBB integration (will pay or barter)!

mindlessoath wrote:

i think people would like more information about your request first.
1. whats your existing page desgn look like?
2. is it a portal/cms system? if so which one?
3. are you using CSS?

you know those kinds of questions. mabe link to your current design or get a screen capture.

not that i would do this myself, but im sure others will be more willing to message you when you have that information first.

True enough, I just figured I'd cover that in PM. For the curious:


Page is just basic HTML / CSS coded sloppily by my entirely untalented self! As far as integration goes, I would like the header and menu to remain in view above the forums upon page load. Does this seem plausible with my setup?

Re: Need help with PunBB integration (will pay or barter)!

to create all those pages to work with punbb. look at the mini-portal section about creating a new page.
im working on a css template integrations into my whole site.
http://nalan.org i did it several times but i was in a rush then. now im working on it slowly and making sure that it works in all the browsers.
it is easy enough just start with a simple punbb install and work from there. creating all the new pages !

here is the code for new pages and the link.
look for New page template

define('PUN_ROOT', './');
define('PUN_QUIET_VISIT', 1);
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';
//Set the page title here
$page_title = pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_config['o_board_title']) . ' / New page 1';
define('PUN_ALLOW_INDEX', 1);
require PUN_ROOT.'header.php';
require PUN_ROOT.'include/parser.php';
        <div class="block">
            <h2><span>Box 1</span></h2>
            <div class="box">
                <div class="inbox">
                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent augue. Nulla facilisi. Fusce bibendum accumsan erat. Quisque sollicitudin mattis neque. Sed dapibus. Integer a lectus eu sem consequat pellentesque. Morbi rhoncus nulla. Duis adipiscing interdum velit. Fusce ante. Ut vitae enim sit amet magna sodales hendrerit. In sed tortor at sapien convallis eleifend. Proin mauris. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut metus. Cras ac arcu et arcu porttitor blandit. Nam vitae lectus eget mauris sollicitudin placerat. Suspendisse vestibulum. Donec varius libero. Duis velit tellus, euismod vitae, consequat sed, consectetuer ut, purus.
                    Praesent viverra venenatis magna. Etiam in dolor. Ut in justo ac nibh malesuada cursus. Duis urna arcu, aliquam vitae, consequat nec, tincidunt non, mi. Nunc lobortis. Nunc pharetra. Sed porttitor. Maecenas turpis tortor, blandit nec, dignissim in, porttitor eu, odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse augue odio, ornare a, elementum ac, tincidunt varius, orci. Nulla libero ante, hendrerit ac, consectetuer eu, sollicitudin et, eros. Duis sapien. Suspendisse ornare enim sit amet dui. Donec ullamcorper diam.
require PUN_ROOT.'footer.php';
My stuff or my style might sux, but atleast I'm willing to help when I can.
Don't be stupid and help ! We are the stupid one's !!!