1 (edited by winger 2007-06-14 15:34)

Topic: site in map problem

Well, I got my punbb forum working and all, but now I putted all my punbb files in one folder, and what you go to (for example) www.mysitename.blabla/myfoldername
it opens, but when you go to www.mysitename.blabla it doesn't.

Is there a way to make it refer to the folder when you go to your main domain?

Excuse me for my english,


Re: site in map problem

What's a map, in this context?

Re: site in map problem

I think he is just on about a redirection from www.mysitename.blabla to www.mysitename.blabla/mymapname

Re: site in map problem

And after consultation with someone who knows Dutch, I'm told I should replace the word "map" with the word "folder" big_smile
There are a couple ways to redirect from a page to a folder. You can put the following as your index.php

header("Location: http://www.mysitename.blabla/myfoldername/");

with the proper folder name and domain name, of course. That's just one method.

Re: site in map problem

Smartys wrote:

And after consultation with someone who knows Dutch, I'm told I should replace the word "map" with the word "folder" big_smile
There are a couple ways to redirect from a page to a folder. You can put the following as your index.php

header("Location: http://www.mysitename.blabla/myfoldername/");

with the proper folder name and domain name, of course. That's just one method.

Yes, excuse me, I ment folder smile

And where exactly should I put it in my index.php file? There's tons of lines.

I don't think you understand, See, I have a punBB forum without mainpage, and when I go to www.mydomain.com it re-directs to the forum, atleast it did, now I putted all that forum files into a new folder, and now you have to go to www.mydomain.com/foldername to see the forum, but now I want it to re-direct to the folder/forum when I go to www.mydomain.com


Re: site in map problem

Hmm, let me make sure I have this right.
The forum was originally at
Now, it's at
and you want
to redirect to

header("Location: http://www.mydomain.com/foldername/forum/");

btw: My code example was meant to be put in the root of the site, not in the PunBB index.


Re: site in map problem

You have to create a redirect page in www.mydomain.com or use htaccess to redirect www.mydomain.com to www.mydomain.com/forldername/

Re: site in map problem

The forum was originally at www.mydomain.com
and now it's in www.mydomain.com/foldername

Can you be specific what do to with the code? tongue
I've tried to put the code you gave in the root, saved as index.php but it just gives the code when I go to www.mydomain.com


Re: site in map problem

OK, so, I THINK I understand you now tongue

header("Location: http://www.mydomain.com/foldername/");

Save that as index.php in the root

10 (edited by winger 2007-06-14 16:33)

Re: site in map problem

Smartys wrote:

OK, so, I THINK I understand you now tongue

header("Location: http://www.mydomain.com/foldername/");

Save that as index.php in the root

I think you do tongue

But when I do that, and go to www.mydomain.com, all it gives is the code I typed, so that be:

header("Location: http://www.mydomain.com/foldername/");


I saved it in the root as index.php, not in the folder of my forum but in the root..

Re: site in map problem

duh tongue

header("Location: http://www.mydomain.com/foldername/");


Re: site in map problem

Yay! It works, sorry for bothering hehehe smile

Thanks a ton! big_smile


Re: site in map problem

Oh crap, wait, there's still a problem, when I try to switch skins it goes ; Bad HTTP_REFERER etc.

Should I change the Base URL?

But when I try to change the Base URL it also says Bad HTTP_REFERER


Re: site in map problem

admin_options.php wrote:

Bad HTTP_REFERER. If you have moved these forums from one location to another or switched domains, you need to update the Base URL manually in the database (look for o_base_url in the config table) and then clear the cache by deleting all .php files in the /cache directory.


Re: site in map problem

Smartys wrote:
admin_options.php wrote:

Bad HTTP_REFERER. If you have moved these forums from one location to another or switched domains, you need to update the Base URL manually in the database (look for o_base_url in the config table) and then clear the cache by deleting all .php files in the /cache directory.

Does that means I have to go to the config.php file and look for the line o_base_url or something?
I can see the config.php file in my FTP but I can't find it on my PC tongue

I'm not sure what exactly I should do tongue

Re: site in map problem

Run this SQL query

update prefixconfig set conf_value="http://www.mydomain.com/foldername" where conf_name="o_base_url"

where prefix is your database prefix and http://www.mydomain.com/foldername is the proper path to the folder
Then, delete the .php files in the cache directory in the forum directory

17 (edited by winger 2007-06-14 17:04)

Re: site in map problem

Smartys wrote:

Run this SQL query

update prefixconfig set conf_value="http://www.mydomain.com/foldername" where conf_name="o_base_url"

where prefix is your database prefix and http://www.mydomain.com/foldername is the proper path to the folder
Then, delete the .php files in the cache directory in the forum directory

Can you say all that again but then in English? Haha XD

SQL query?..........................?

So prefix is my database ''code'' ?

And what exactly should I do? In easy words please tongue

Sorry for my small knowlegde about English-Computer-Language tongue

Re: site in map problem

OK, lets see how much I can simplify this
Download the database management plugin. Unzip it. Upload the file to the plugins directory of your forum directory. Go to your forum and click on Administration. There should be a list of plugins on the left side. Click on the link that says database management. Scroll down until you see a textbox. Enter the following into the box:

update #__config set conf_value="http://www.mydomain.com/foldername" where conf_name="o_base_url"

where http://www.mydomain.com/foldername is the proper path to the folder

click the button to submit. Then, in your FTP program, go to the cache directory of your forum directory and delete all the files ending in .php


Re: site in map problem

All worked. All done.

Thanks a lot for your great support Smartys, I owe you one! smile

Re: site in map problem

winger wrote:

Thanks a lot for your great support Smartys, I owe you one! smile

Everyone owes him... He is one of the best. wink