Smartys wrote:And after consultation with someone who knows Dutch, I'm told I should replace the word "map" with the word "folder"
There are a couple ways to redirect from a page to a folder. You can put the following as your index.php
header("Location: http://www.mysitename.blabla/myfoldername/");
with the proper folder name and domain name, of course. That's just one method.
Yes, excuse me, I ment folder
And where exactly should I put it in my index.php file? There's tons of lines.
I don't think you understand, See, I have a punBB forum without mainpage, and when I go to it re-directs to the forum, atleast it did, now I putted all that forum files into a new folder, and now you have to go to to see the forum, but now I want it to re-direct to the folder/forum when I go to