Topic: Pokemon Website

there is a slight problem with my website when I go to adminstration I get this weird text. Can anyone help me. Plus I really appreciate it if someone could help me to get my website to look like this one: But like forums and some similarities of my website. Please some help me. And I would also like to get Pokemon Trainer sprites to upload for people to pick.

If cannot reach me you can contact me at you can email there. Thank You

Sincereley:Kevin Britt

Re: Pokemon Website

You'll need to talk to Connorhd, since he runs MyPunBB. We can't help you with issues with that setup.

Also, you're using a free forum host: there is no way you'll be able to create a whole site with just that, let alone a full Flash application like the main Pokemon website. If you want to create a website, you'll need to get some real web space first.