Topic: [1.3] A better help page administration
I never paid that much attention to it, but I just made a small mod for one of my forums and was?rightfully?requested to describe it in the help section.
Ouch. It hurts.
To do that, I must (in 1.2): know PHP, know HTML; fiddle with the language files, the PHP file...
So, it would be nice to have at least a simple, neat, fast tool for help editing & customizing in 1.3. There are two simple options to do that, in fact more simple than the 1.2 way:
1. Give the admin a HTML textarea, populated with the default localized help (in one string, pleeease). Let him edit it the way it wants. It's quite simple to code for the Pun's dev team; but not very user friendly especially if the admin doesn't speaks fluent HTML. Anyhow, if this is done this way, don't forget the hook to plug an external parser here (hmmhhmmmhh... Textile...).
2. Same as 1), but make it both bbcode and HTML, so that at least the non-geek admin can use bbcode to edit it. Again, don't forget the hook for an external parser And I guess it will need some kind of [nop][/nop] special bbcode, with the enclosed string not parse by bbcode and escaped to avoid html; and maybe some kind of header string to divide sections and place anchors.
There are more complex way of doing it, but I can't think of one that's in the PunBB's spirit, simple, powerful, yet easy to use, and with a good added value over the two above. If you can...
There's also room for improvement in the help's content area, but I will give a hand at that when 1.3 is in beta.