Topic: Posting a new topic appends random posts to the new thread! Eek! … hp?id=1159

Original post is #4 in the thread. Should be #1, without the other posts appearing before it. Any idea how to fix this behavior? It's been happening for a couple days now.


Re: Posting a new topic appends random posts to the new thread! Eek!

Where were those posts originally?

Re: Posting a new topic appends random posts to the new thread! Eek!

I can't remember exactly...but IIRC they're from this thread: … hp?id=1138

Re: Posting a new topic appends random posts to the new thread! Eek!

BTW, it doesn't seem to happen every time...I just posted here and nothing odd happened: … 8743#p8743

5 (edited by ciamos 2007-06-22 19:25)

Re: Posting a new topic appends random posts to the new thread! Eek!

...and here's the first time I noticed the problem: … hp?id=1158

There is one extraneous post appearing before the original there.

Edit: ...and I can't find the thread that the extraneous post was taken it possible that the thread was deleted? Strange...

Re: Posting a new topic appends random posts to the new thread! Eek!

I don't know what to tell you, posts don't randomly shift their topics. smile

Re: Posting a new topic appends random posts to the new thread! Eek!

My host is doing some MySQL upgrades...could that be the source of the problem? What should I say to them or ask them? I just want to be sure I get this fixed because it's annoying.

Re: Posting a new topic appends random posts to the new thread! Eek!

I'm unsure: it could be, potentially