Topic: How can I change (alternate) backround colour of every other post?

Hi all... I've seen this done on a punbb powered board a couple of days back. Basically, I want every other post (the even # posts) to have a different (possibly darker or vice versa) background colour than the Odd numbered ones.

Thanks in advance.

Re: How can I change (alternate) backround colour of every other post?

Take a look at the CSS classes rowodd and roweven

3 (edited by statusquo 2007-06-23 10:40)

Re: How can I change (alternate) backround colour of every other post?

You mean this under my style_cs.css file:, .pun BLOCKQUOTE, DIV.codebox, #adminconsole FIELDSET TH, .rowodd, .roweven {BACKGROUND-COLOR: #F1F1F1}

If so How do I change it correctly?

Let's say if I wanted all even post backgrounds to be #FFF (white), how would I go about doing this?

I have tried editing many times without any success.