1 (edited by winger 2007-06-25 12:45)

Topic: Can you make multiply Subforums with the Subforums Mod?

Because it only says in Admin/Forums - and you go to Edit forum - that you can only select one 'parent forum'

Isn't it possible that you have 2 subforums at one forum?

For example; You have staff applications for your site;

Staff Apps.


Re: Can you make multiply Subforums with the Subforums Mod?

You can have as many subforums per parent forum as you want, but only one level deep. You cannot make sub-subforums.

3 (edited by winger 2007-06-25 12:50)

Re: Can you make multiply Subforums with the Subforums Mod?

MattF wrote:

You can have as many subforums per parent forum as you want, but only one level deep. You cannot make sub-subforums.

I understand, but it only let's me select One parent forum. sad And it must already exist, so I must first create (for example) a new forum, and then select it as parent forum...

4 (edited by MattF 2007-06-25 13:34)

Re: Can you make multiply Subforums with the Subforums Mod?

winger wrote:

I understand, but it only let's me select One parent forum. sad And it must already exist, so I must first create (for example) a new forum, and then select it as parent forum...

And??? How can you have a parent forum as a parent forum if that forum doesn't first exist? I'm completely baffled as to what the problem is here.

Using your first example. You create two forums. Accepted and Declined. You then make Staff Apps their parent forum.