1 (edited by s3Street 2007-07-01 22:17)

Topic: Broadcast email plugin


I've used the Broadcast email plug in for quite some time now and it's worked nicely. I tried using it today and for some reason it stopped. I reuploaded the plugin file and tried changing the board's email but nobody seems to be getting the message. Any help is appreciated.

Edit: I have 710 members.

2 (edited by Dr.Jeckyl 2007-07-02 05:19)

Re: Broadcast email plugin

did anything on your hosting/server change since your last successful email? or did you edit any files that are dependent of the mailer plugin?

FluxBB - Less is more

Re: Broadcast email plugin

I didn't change anything to my knowledge... I receive the email via an email from my site. ie my site is punbb.org... I receive the email on street@punbb.org but I don't receive it on hotmail and gmail addresses etc. I don't believe it's considered spam though, as I've changed the output email a few times and it still doesn't do anything.

Also I don't believe I modified any files. It only uses include/email.php I believe. I'm really desperate to get this thing working again.

Re: Broadcast email plugin

Anyone? I'll pay money.