1 (edited by Martin Lemke (re) 2007-07-10 06:34)

Topic: Later Update

Hello I'm using version 1.2.12. Is there ich patch or a documentation how to upgrade to current version 1.2.15?

I've found an update patch from 1.2.14 to 1.2.15 only.

The Install-FAQ says: "Follow these instructions to update your current 1.2.* installation to 1.2.14 ...

   1.  Copy/upload all contents of the directory upload/ into your old 1.2 directory (overwriting any existing files).
   2. Copy/upload the script 12_to_1214_update.php from the directory extras/ to the forum root directory and run it"

I can't finde any script 12_to_1214_update.php or 2_to_1215_update.php


2 (edited by Dr.Jeckyl 2007-07-10 08:12)

Re: Later Update

hdif version by version until you are current.

FluxBB - Less is more

Re: Later Update

I use WinMerge - http://winmerge.org - to find and help me review any file or code changes. I unzip the latest punBB version into a folder, then use WinMerge to find the changes between the current version of punBB and the latest, and then make any necessary updates.

This process can be a bit tedious, inevitably, but it works for me.

I also have a few mods installed and other code tweaks that need to be worked around, so any automated update will likely break things.

Re: Later Update

what a cool software... thanks sirena.
This is good for me as i made some changes in punbb source code.

This is a bit a discussion about remote future, but, to help a friend, i gave a look at an SMF module. I haven't looked deep, but aparently they use a XML overlay system to add/change/remove php code in the same way as XUL ( the GUI technology used by firefox and all mozilla apps ) .

Would this be something to consider for version 2 or so?

Re: Later Update

Already has been.

Re: Later Update

http://punbb.org/download/hdiff/hdiff-1 … .2.15.html
Hdiff to update directly. Then run the update PHP file.

Re: Later Update

Dr.Jeckyl wrote:

hdif version by version until you are current.


A lot of work waits for me. Some included modifications will make it difficult.
