Topic: iFrame in posts
Would it be possible to have an "iFrame" BBCode to set a link to display a html site or whatever?
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PunBB Forums → Feature requests → iFrame in posts
Would it be possible to have an "iFrame" BBCode to set a link to display a html site or whatever?
As a feature I'm almost 100% the answer will be no, however a mod could easily be written to provide it.
Well, then I have to find someone to write a mod like that.....
....anybody here? ....or could you do that Reines?
try this (note. wrote it in bout 5mins, 100% untested):
$a[] = '#\s*\[/quote\]\s*#i';
on the next line add:
$a[] = '#\[iframe\][\r\n]*(.*?)\s*\[/iframe\]\s*#is';
$b[] = '[/quote]
on the next line add:
$b[] = '[iframe]$1[/iframe]'."\n";
if (preg_match('#\[quote=("|"|\'|)(.*)\\1\]|\[quote\]|\[/quote\]|\[code\]|\[/code\]#i', $text))
replace with:
if (preg_match('#\[quote=("|"|\'|)(.*)\\1\]|\[quote\]|\[/quote\]|\[code\]|\[/code\]|\[iframe\]|\[/iframe\]#i', $text))
on the next line add:
on the next line add:
add a new method:
function handle_iframe_tag($url) {
$full_url = str_replace(array(' ', '\'', '`', '"'), array('%20', '', '', ''), $url);
if (strpos($url, 'www.') === 0) // If it starts with www, we add http://
$full_url = 'http://'.$full_url;
else if (strpos($url, 'ftp.') === 0) // Else if it starts with ftp, we add ftp://
$full_url = 'ftp://'.$full_url;
else if (!preg_match('#^([a-z0-9]{3,6})://#', $url)) // Else ef it doesn't start with abcdef://, we add http://
$full_url = 'http://'.$full_url;
return '<iframe src="'.htmlspecialchars($full_url).'">You need iframes enabled to view this.</iframe>';
save & reupload:
Reines, thank's
I will try it and make a report
The BBCode works fine - it displays the "extern" site, but where can I adjust the size of the iFrame?
At the moment it just displays in a small iFrame about 200px width and 120px height
....found it:
return '<iframe width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="auto" src="'.htmlspecialchars($full_url).'">You need iframes enabled to view this.</iframe>';
..tried to "reach" it with CSS, but wasn't lucky
Great Mod, Thank's a lot Reines
Interesting "bug".
PunBB ads the newline in:
$b[] = '[/quote]
even when its in code tags.
...don't understand
This takes XSS to a whole new level
What would I change to be able to set the height inside the BBCode?
[iframe height=xxx]URL[iframe]
If I set it to "auto" or "100%" in the parser, the iframe shows up much higher also if the site is smaller
This takes XSS to a whole new level
...well, you're right....hmm, is it possible to make this only usable for administrators?
has anyone worked on this further? I would also like my members to be able to use iframe but am nervous about the security risks.
well, I don't know much about that security stuff, but the iFrame-thing works fine.
if you want to allow people to use iframe on your forum they can add scripts on that site that e.g injects trojans or other things like that
Thats why you should have HTML disabled on the forum
Is there any way that you could restrict the domain that the iframe points to?
A link would work just fine.
So what would I have to do to make this only usable by a specific group of members?
So what would I have to do to make this only usable by a specific group of members?
PunBB Forums → Feature requests → iFrame in posts
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