Topic: Moderator error

Well when I make someone a moderator everything is fine up to when they try to edit someones post. It would let them click edit and start editing the post but once they hit submit they get this error message

direct link:

What is the problem. It says in options that it could be the fact that the base url isnt set correctly but i dobule checked that and its still the same. my site is so the base url i have set is To check this out i even added the www to see if that made a difference but it didnt so i changed back to the first one.

So any ideas?

Re: Moderator error

Re: Moderator error

we checked all those that he said and non are incorrect or causing the problem... now what

Re: Moderator error

Well, then there's no problem tongue
My guess is that the issue is #3. If you want me to check, I just registered a new account (Smartys): give me moderator powers

Re: Moderator error

there your moderator

Re: Moderator error

Works for me wink

7 (edited by Mikey B 2007-07-18 00:07)

Re: Moderator error

ahh sry for all the trouble man my friend just now realized oh hey i am running zone alarm. I had him disable and it works for him now lo. Thanks for all the help. also could you direct me to a place where it tells to remove the motoraded by stuff thats annoying. I searched and coulnted find anything but i remember seeing it here before..

Re: Moderator error

Re: Moderator error

ty very much.