Topic: Usergroup Legend

I've searched for this mod far and wide.
The problem is I want it so that Administartors, Moderators and Members are shown as different colours on the online statistic at the bottom of the home page (Adminds red, mods green and members normal)
Can anyone give me the code/thread to it/whatever? Thanks
(PS: My forum is over at if you need the url)

Re: Usergroup Legend

Hello? Is there anyone here that can help?
This is pretty much the last ever mod I need, and it's quite small, yet it's holding back my forum tongue

Re: Usergroup Legend

you need to install this mod:

Though personally i think the CSS colored usergroup mod Reines made was better, although i dont have the files anymore.

Hope that helps anyway.

Re: Usergroup Legend

this one?

FluxBB - Less is more

Re: Usergroup Legend

It is an old file and doesn't install on the latest version

The links (to the readme etc) are invalid!

Can ANYONE please help me?
This is really urgent, thanks.

6 (edited by Dr.Jeckyl 2007-07-24 06:26)

Re: Usergroup Legend

change this line in install_mod.php:

// One or more versions of PunBB that this mod works on. The version names must match exactly!
$punbb_versions    = array('1.2.3', '1.2.4');

to this:

// One or more versions of PunBB that this mod works on. The version names must match exactly!
$punbb_versions    = array('1.2.3', '1.2.4', '1.2.15');

and it SHOULD work. <- read: untested. wink

FluxBB - Less is more