1 (edited by Codefisher 2007-07-29 03:37)

Topic: Removeing the redirect page

I don't like that little page that comes up after you post a new topic, add a reply or change something in the admin panel.  Is there a mod to remove all of them?  I did a search but it did not turn up anything.  I am an new to useing punbb, though it is not bloated like many other forums, I don't like the idea of digging though all the code and working out what needs changing.

Edit:  I worked it out, you set the redirect time to 0.

Re: Removeing the redirect page

why not place a  ad there like some sites do?
click here to continue....

My stuff or my style might sux, but atleast I'm willing to help when I can.
Don't be stupid and help ! We are the stupid one's !!!

Re: Removeing the redirect page

Because that is the one thing I might find even more annoying...


Re: Removeing the redirect page

in the admin options there is an option to change the redirect time. change it to 0.

FluxBB - Less is more