Topic: Adsense/Banner header

Hey, my forum resides at
You can see my header, the Vizter logo with the three guys.
My question is, how do I get my logo and an adsense banner aligned? (example @
Please can anyone give me the instructions on all the files I need to edit/adjust etc.
This is VERY urgent and you/your stie will be credited.
Thanks smile

2 (edited by quaker 2007-07-31 16:33)

Re: Adsense/Banner header

can u simple put the logo puntag and the adsense code in the same tag? in the main.tpl?


My stuff or my style might sux, but atleast I'm willing to help when I can.
Don't be stupid and help ! We are the stupid one's !!!

Re: Adsense/Banner header

Yeah but it isn'tt properly aligned and shit (excuse my language, can't think of another word to cover it)

Re: Adsense/Banner header

ok put the adsense in a php file

copy adsense content to adsense.php

and place it in the include/user folder.

nexted create this.(pun tag next to the logo)<p align="right"><pun_include "adsense.php"></p>
what that will do is place the adsense banner to the right

My stuff or my style might sux, but atleast I'm willing to help when I can.
Don't be stupid and help ! We are the stupid one's !!!

Re: Adsense/Banner header

Why is this 'VERY urgent' and the post subject marked 'URGENT:' ?

You make it seem like life and death, rather than a simple matter of web page layout, involving a delay of perhaps 30 minutes while you figured out how to get your AdSense ad aligned.

Why cry wolf about it.

Re: Adsense/Banner header



My stuff or my style might sux, but atleast I'm willing to help when I can.
Don't be stupid and help ! We are the stupid one's !!!

7 (edited by Geoffrey 2007-08-01 08:49)

Re: Adsense/Banner header

sirena wrote:

Why is this 'VERY urgent' and the post subject marked 'URGENT:' ?

You make it seem like life and death, rather than a simple matter of web page layout, involving a delay of perhaps 30 minutes while you figured out how to get your AdSense ad aligned.

Why cry wolf about it.

It doesn't concern you, so simply keep out of it...

The adsense doesn't show up when I use the code

Re: Adsense/Banner header

It did concern me. I read your original post topic thinking there was an urgent problem going down that maybe I could help with. But it wasn't urgent at all.

Point being one of netiquette.

If everyone marked their troubleshooting questions 'URGENT', no matter how trivial, then the word would lose its meaning, and so next time someone had a real urgent problem (maybe big database corruption, site been hacked,  last minute but serious glitch on launch of a big site etc), who would pay attention?

If you don't get it, I'm sorry for offending you. But I bet if you saw your own users doing the same thing on your own forum, you'd have the same feelings.


Re: Adsense/Banner header

Geoffrey wrote:
sirena wrote:

Why is this 'VERY urgent' and the post subject marked 'URGENT:' ?

You make it seem like life and death, rather than a simple matter of web page layout, involving a delay of perhaps 30 minutes while you figured out how to get your AdSense ad aligned.

Why cry wolf about it.

It doesn't concern you, so simply keep out of it...

But it does concern me and Sirena was right. Topic edited.

You actually provided the solution yourself. You just copy what they did on the example site you linked to. Float the banner right, give it position: relative and then nudge it into position with a negative top margin.