Topic: SMTP username

I have a verry long SMTP-username to use with my SMTP-server, 35chars or so. One problem tough... it doesn't fit in the textfield. It supports only 25 chars.

I've tried to change this in 'admin_options.php' but it seems not to work, is there any table in the mysql database I have to change too?

Göransson is here and awake!

Re: SMTP username

Isn't it easier to change the username?

Re: SMTP username

can't do that... my webhost provide me with it.

Göransson is here and awake!

Re: SMTP username

If you're using PunBB 1.1 or later it should only be a matter of changing maxlength="25" to a higher value in admin_options.php. If you're using an older version, it's a bit harder. The line to edit is line 395.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: SMTP username

thanks... it didn't solve it.
but it ruled out a couple of things.

Göransson is here and awake!

Re: SMTP username

Hmm, you say it didn't help. What happens then?

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

7 (edited by Goransson 2004-02-11 14:02)

Re: SMTP username

I get this message:

An error was encountered
File: /hsphere/local/home/the-pipe/
Line: 122

PunBB reported: Unable to send e-mail. Please contact the forum administrator with the following error message: "451 See "

Göransson is here and awake!

Re: SMTP username

Aha. If you read the page it links to, there appears to be a problem with linebreaks in the mails sent out by PunBB. I'll have a look at it later tonight.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: SMTP username

i did read that page about ten times, but it doesn't make any seens to me. it worked on one other server (that has been put down).

if it's just that, then i'm verry gratefull.
have spent an hour to find another smtp-server with short username. but it aint so easy to find one...

i realy hope ju solve it, cause I can't.

Göransson is here and awake!

Re: SMTP username

Try this. Open up include/email.php and locate the row:

$headers = 'From: '.$from."\n".'Date: '.date('r')."\n".'MIME-Version: 1.0'."\n".'Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit'."\n".'Content-type: text/plain; charset='.$lang_common['lang_encoding']."\n".'X-Mailer: PunBB Mailer';

Replace it with

$headers = 'From: '.$from."\r\n".'Date: '.date('r')."\r\n".'MIME-Version: 1.0'."\r\n".'Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit'."\r\n".'Content-type: text/plain; charset='.$lang_common['lang_encoding']."\r\n".'X-Mailer: PunBB Mailer';

And see if that helps, if it doesn't just say so and we will try something different.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: SMTP username

i didn't work... same error message.

do you really think it's something with the code, tough?

Göransson is here and awake!

Re: SMTP username

Yes, I believe it is. On top of what you edited above, try adding the following directly after that row:

$message = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $message);

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: SMTP username

It works like a clock.

Göransson is here and awake!

Re: SMTP username


Göransson is here and awake!