Topic: Making all posts align left?

They are all centered? Is there a way to make them align left?

Sorry for the quick thread... tierd.

2 (edited by Utchin 2007-09-01 10:11)

Re: Making all posts align left?

defult they are all alligned left?
like this one.

you must have set
a) a unclosed center tag,
b) in css in body, align is set as center.

i can find out, needa link

Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.

3 (edited by Sam152 2007-09-02 01:37)

Re: Making all posts align left?

Sure thing.

Here is the link.

Lack of posts = Just started.

Re: Making all posts align left?

A couple things I noticed
1. You have a <div align="center"><table><tr><td></div>[forum]. The div is probably what's causing the error: the browser ignoring the closing div since you have open tags still.
2. You really need to edit the PunBB templates to remove eg the html tag if you're embedding it within a page

Re: Making all posts align left?

Hmmm, no matter what I edit I cant seem to get it to align right.

Re: Making all posts align left?

I pointed you to what you needed to change, but you seem to have added MORE code to that area wink
Also, you need to remove the <head> (everything in it) and the <body> tags from PunBB.

Re: Making all posts align left?

I do that and for some reason the whole thing looses its formatting and goes all wierd.

Re: Making all posts align left?

Oh, right: remove that stuff but then add <pun_head> back to the very top