how to I add a picture/logo to my forum?

I know, I use it to browse ftps sometime. but I havent managed to upload stuff?

hey im running my punbb now on my nas unit. I have given all the forum members the same usernames and password for ftp access to the server (the nas unit has ftp & mysql support). but sometimes people are at internet cafés where they cant install ftp program to upload stuff. are there any other plugin for punbb that allows people to browse the computer they are using and upload stuff to the ftp server?

I managed to turn off guest so they cant do anything and turn of so people cant register themself. but where do I send out invitations or add users?


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

just installed punbb and love it. well my geek friend did the job. im just blonde and stupid. but anyways, I want to keep the forum invitation only with the friends I know in the real life. So I have turned off so that guest cant do any search, read or write and taken registration offline. now I need a way to either add people and their username&passwords or a way to invite people. I found one script writting back in 2005 but it only worked with old versions of punbb...please help me!!!!

ps is there a way to keep my forum private so only users on the forum can read the posts? and can I make so that its an invitation only forum? ds smile

hi! now I finally managed to get my server up and running and secured my site. now I wonder if it is needed to install a accelerator?

i've tried to delete all the bans, users tables and managed to go through the install.php without complain. copied the text that I was told into a .txt document that I later renamed  config.php and uploaded to the server. now that I try to access the website it firefox says "done" and the whole site is white and nothing there. empty sad

I tried to empty the users and now I get the error when I try to install "An error occured on line 430 in file /volume1/web/punbb/install.php.

PunBB reported: Unable to create table bans. Please check your settings and try again.

Database reported: Table 'bans' already exists (Errno: 1050)"

ps also myphpadmin complains that I havent fixed some file about users, so right now anyone with my correct adress can enter as root by default. how do I secure  my server? ds

Ok. thx. smile I think I got everything right now. but when I tried to finish  the setup it says "An error occured.

PunBB reported: A table called "users" is already present in the database "punbb". This could mean that PunBB is already installed or that another piece of software is installed and is occupying one or more of the table names PunBB requires. If you want to install multiple copies of PunBB in the same database, you must choose a different table prefix.
what to do?

I try to reach and get The file 'config.php' doesn't exist or is corrupt. Please run install.php to install PunBB first.

I have copied the punbb folder to the web folder of my nas unit and actived mysql and all the other stuff needed. then I ran the installtion and made a config.php and copied it to my unit /web/punbb/upload/ (web is the folder of the nas where it want to have all mysql stuff).

I tried to have both localhost and my internal ip in the config file but nothing worked. any ideas of basic steps I might have missed?