(17 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

you have 2 or 3 gallery mods on punres. other than that there is Coppermine that integrates with punBB and does allow image posting by url


(17 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

well that is what this mod does, adds a link in the posting form. When clicking on this link, it opens a download form to upload your file on a remote server (easy-upload.net) When the upload is finished it adds automatically the link to the file in your post.

If you just want to post a file already on a remote server, just use the [url]or [img] bbcodes ...


(17 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

There is a French mod that does it, the English lang file is included in the archive: http://www.punbb.fr/mods/mod.php?id=87


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

There is a mod on PunRes.org for PunBB1.2


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Looks like you need IP.Board not PunBB ...

ok try replacing all by this:


// Language definitions used in various scripts
$lang_misc = array(

'Mark read redirect'        =>    'All topics and forums have been marked as read. Redirecting …',

// Send e-mail
'Form e-mail disabled'        =>    'The user you are trying to send an e-mail to has disabled form e-mail.',
'No e-mail subject'            =>    'You must enter a subject.',
'No e-mail message'            =>    'You must enter a message.',
'Too long e-mail message'    =>    'Messages cannot be longer than 65535 characters (64 KB).',
'E-mail sent redirect'        =>    'E-mail sent. Redirecting …',
'Send e-mail to'            =>    'Send e-mail to',
'E-mail subject'            =>    'Subject',
'E-mail message'            =>    'Message',
'E-mail disclosure note'    =>    'Please note that by using this form, your e-mail address will be disclosed to the recipient.',
'Write e-mail'                =>    'Write and submit your e-mail message',

// Report
'No reason'                    =>    'You must enter a reason.',
'Report redirect'            =>    'Post reported. Redirecting …',
'Report post'                =>    'Report post',
'Reason'                    =>    'Reason',
'Reason desc'                =>    'Please enter a short reason why you are reporting this post',

// Subscriptions
'Already subscribed'        =>    'You are already subscribed to this topic.',
'Subscribe redirect'        =>    'Your subscription has been added. Redirecting …',
'Not subscribed'            =>    'You are not subscribed to this topic.',
'Unsubscribe redirect'        =>    'Your subscription has been removed. Redirecting …',

// General forum and topic moderation
'Moderate'                    =>    'Moderate',
'Select'                    =>    'Select',    // the header of a column of checkboxes
'Move'                        =>    'Move',
'Delete'                    =>    'Delete',

// Moderate forum
'Open'                        =>    'Open',
'Close'                        =>    'Close',
'Move topic'                =>    'Move topic',
'Move topics'                =>    'Move topics',
'Move legend'                =>    'Select destination of move',
'Move to'                    =>    'Move to',
'Leave redirect'            =>    'Leave redirect topic(s)',
'Move topic redirect'        =>    'Topic moved. Redirecting …',
'Move topics redirect'        =>    'Topics moved. Redirecting …',
'Confirm delete legend'        =>    'Please confirm deletion',
'Delete topics'                =>    'Delete topics',
'Delete topics comply'        =>    'Are you sure you want to delete the selected topics?',
'Delete topics redirect'    =>    'Topics deleted. Redirecting …',
'Open topic redirect'        =>    'Topic opened. Redirecting …',
'Open topics redirect'        =>    'Topics opened. Redirecting …',
'Close topic redirect'        =>    'Topic closed. Redirecting …',
'Close topics redirect'        =>    'Topics closed. Redirecting …',
'No topics selected'        =>    'You must select at least one topic for move/delete/open/close.',
'Stick topic redirect'        =>    'Topic sticked. Redirecting …',
'Unstick topic redirect'    =>    'Topic unsticked. Redirecting …',

// Delete multiple posts in topic
'Delete posts'                =>    'Delete posts',
'Delete posts comply'            =>    'Are you sure you want to delete the selected posts?',
'Delete posts redirect'            =>    'Posts deleted. Redirecting …',
'No posts selected'            =>    'You must select at least one post to be deleted.',

// Mass post management
'Erreur action'            =>    'Error: The wished action isn\'t available',
'Erreur posts selection'    =>    'Error: You haven\'t select any post',
'Deplacer posts'        =>    'Move posts',
'Choisir topic'            =>    'Choose the destination topic',
'Topic destination'        =>    'Destination topic URL',
'Avertissement date'        =>    'Apply the current date to display the posts at the bottom (in the contrary case, the order of publication will be respected)<br /><br /><strong>Caution</strong>, the oldest posts than the topic destination will be automatically placed at the end of this one.',
'Deplacer posts ok'        =>    'Move',
'Erreur topic destination'    =>    'Error: The destination topic URL isn\'t valid',
'Posts deplaces'        =>    'The posts were indeed moved',
'Supprimer posts'        =>    'Delete posts',
'Confirmer'            =>    'Confirm',
'Confirmer suppression'        =>    'Confirm to delete the selected posts ?',
'Supprimer posts ok'        =>    'Delete',
'Posts supprimes'        =>    'The posts were indeed deleted',
'Fusionner posts'        =>    'Amalgamate posts',
'Separer fusion'        =>    'Separate the posts by',
'Avertissement fusion'        =>    '<strong>Note :</strong> The finally post will have the most older post informations.',
'Fusionner posts ok'        =>    'Amalgamate',
'Posts fusionnes'        =>    'The posts were indeed amalgamated'

post the content of misc.php within code tags so we can have a look at it

You did not modify misc.php properly. i.e. you did not replace but just add the new code

It is not a standard feature. The easiest way is to use the Announcement

Without modification of the software, in Firefox, Right Click > View Image


(22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

no he meant it would be better if te logo would not repeat when browsing with a wide display and if you set the background of the logo div to white it would match your logo

Just go to his profile you can change everything ...

If you update withe the hdiff there should be no problem.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

It should work, have you cleared your browser's cache?

You can not decrypt the password, the solution is to use the method indicate in the documentation: http://punbb.org/docs/dev.html#integration

Fair enough, in this case it will need to be an addition in the French translation of punBB1.3 to modify db_update.php to take in account this specific case

Well, in French, Guest is called Invité so you need to change the username when translating if you do it properly and unfortunately, this username has a special character

Including common.php opens the connection to the database so you should not have to do it again


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

obviously it should be in userlist.php

Here is the plugin for 1.2 if it helps: http://www.punbb.fr/mods/telecharger.php?id=65 The comments are in French but the code should be easy to understand.

I already use a plugin that does it in 1.2, it seems a good idea. Wha I miss on the one I have is the link to downlod the latest release of each mod


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

why not try by yourself and chose the one that better suits you ?

Don't change it, just add the background-image property to body. You still need the background-color in the case your image is not being displayed.

Punoogle and punrewrite are 2 working URL rewriting mods for punBB, if you want to use vbseo, buy a vb license

SuperMAG wrote:

the only reason its not its not famous because it cannot be detected in Search engine ...

All my punbb install have been detected by search engine, no need for .htm url to do that, just get content ...
And as Elbekko said, URL rewriting is already part of 1.3