Turns out I was editing the wrong file, viewforum.php in stead of index.php.
Stupid. It works now.

Odd... It seems no matter how I manipulate that piece of code, nothing happens! Still the same message, as if the page was cached or something, which I don't believe it is.

Yes, as opposed to showing a message.
Where should I look for the permissions check?

I use a form, integrated into my site's frontpage to log users (members) on to PunBB.

I have reduced the privileges of the 'Guest' usergroup to a bare minimum, but I would like to disallow anyone but members - already logged in via my frontpage - to even access the PunBB index. Could I somehow redirect non-member users from the index, preferably with PHP, without manipulating the code base too much by hand? I really don't want to do this all over every time I upgrade, so maybe a plugin..?

Does anybody know of a good solution?

Thanks in advance! smile


Is it possible to have a part of a PunBB forum closed so that only users, granted with certain privilege, may have access to reading/writing to it?
The rest of the PunBB should be public to all users.

There is a feature like this in PHPBB, but does PunBB also have it?

Right. I posted my question over at punres: http://www.punres.org/viewtopic.php?id=3238

Please answer there if you got any clues. smile

I know this question is specific to PunDokuWiki, and thus not just PunBB in general, but I have no idea of a more proper place to ask for help. So please help if you can. smile

I managed to install both PunBB 1.2.15 and the latest PunDokuWiki mod, successfully. However I'm not able to edit the wiki posts (start.txt). Neither am I permitted to create new posts in the wiki.

It makes no difference which user I login as -- admin or member, still no cigar.

I'm not able to tell what the root of the problem is. Could be a matter of the shared authentication (DokuWiki using PunBB's user tables) not working in the latest version, or it could be a matter of incorrect configuration.

How do I solve this issue? roll