sirena wrote:

The punbb integration is impressive.

But I have a general suggestion: why don't you have some of the usual niceties for ecommerce sites like:

(a) an About page that tells people more about the business, including its corporate ownership (if applicable)
(b) provide ANY contact information on the site, even a valid email address anywhere or
(c) have a privacy policy on site. Etc

Or indeed have anything on site that suggests you are reputable in any way.

And to top it all off, you registered the domain via a domains by proxy service.

Not to put too fine a point on it, I wouldn't (couldn't) trust you at all as a ecommerce partner, because you provide none of the above.

You don't need to cloak things like that. It inspires suspicion and distrust.

I suggest that before you go live, you get a little bit more transparent.

Wonderful suggestions.  An about page is coming.  Contact information should be there - hmm. Even if it is, it's not in a good place.  Privacy policy is also coming.

One good thing about my site is that you don't have to trust me as an ecommerce partner.  You partner with merchants, and deal with them directly (via affiliate programs). 

Domains by proxy: that's the privacy thing that GoDaddy sells.  Is that really a big deal?  I just hate getting snail mail for domain services.  tongue

Dr.Jeckyl wrote:

mootools forum

This is how I discovered PunBB.

Dr.Jeckyl wrote:

i was this >| |< close to reporting this post... then i read it. nice integration.

Oh yeah.  It's all PunBB!  The feeds on the front page, the featured deals/blogs, the forum (of course), the blogs....

I think I'll change the title.  It does seem spammy, doesn't it?

UPDATE: title changed.

I'm putting the finishing touches on and wanted to give you guys a chance to knock on it for a while before I release it to the masses.  It uses PunBB with some customization beyond styling (of course),  WordPress templates, and the Tango caching class for PHP.

If you're a bargain hunter, I think you'll find the premise of this site very interesting.  Instead of being scolded for posting deals with affiliate/referral links, you're rewarded.  To make a long story short, after earning $1,000 in about 3 days on my other site getting a meager 1000 clicks a day, I realized that there's a lot of money in posting deals.  However, on other deal sites, you're told not to post affiliate links, because the deal site wants to parse that link and add it's own affiliate information.  That means deal sites are making $1000s-10,000s a day on the deals that users work very hard to find, research, write-up, and post!  And the users get nothing in return other than "rep points".  This isn't right.

If DealMinded could gain some popularity, I would not find it hard to believe that users could make hundreds of dollars, maybe more, a day, just by posting quality deals.

By the way, when I say "deal site", I don't mean posting the same coupons everyone posts just because they are affiliates for; I mean actual, best-price-anywhere, often-times-unadvertised, sometimes-price-mistaken deals!

One neat thing about the site is that when users post to the site, it automatically generates a customizable blog, in case they want to do more focused advertising; for example, post links and feeds on their MySpace or Facebook pages to their site.  For example, my personal blog is here:

If any of you sign up, send me a message and let me know where you heard about the site from - or message me here; I'd be happy to help get you involved, if you need it.


Dr.Jeckyl wrote:

subtle but nice. smile

Thanks, Doc.  I appreciate all the help!

Updated the look.  Let me know what you think.

OK, a couple more mod questions: I turned off email confirmation on my site, so that users could set their own passwords.  But I still want a confirmation message sent before they can start posting.  Is there a way to do this?  I've searched the forums and am at a loss.  Do I have to code it myself?

There we go.  My emails to gmail just came through too; delayed for some reason.  Odd.

Thanks again!  Going to implement links in new windows.....

And done.  Also added some code to check whether the link is from my url.  If it is, don't use Javascript.

Dr.Jeckyl wrote:

i've registered but haven't recieved an activation/password email yet. i'll post back when i do.

Oh, and thanks so much!

Hmmmm, I registered with my school account.  It worked.  I registered with my gmail account, and I'm not getting the confirm.  Any clues?  I'm going through the PHP now....

OK, things are going a better in terms of hits to the site, just not getting anyone to register and post.  I had one guy email me telling me he couldn't post.  Would one of you mind going through the reg. process and posting, and then letting me know if it was successful?  I've tried it on my computers, but I'm behind one IP.  Don't think it should matter.  And no, this isn't a way to get people to register, if you tell me to, I'll delete your account and post after you comment on whether it was successful.

Also, does anyone know of a way to external links to popup in a new window?  Is there a mod for this?

fmimoso wrote:
jeffus wrote:

Any browser issues?  Was able to do limited IE checks (I'm a mac-geek).

Try wink
Here with IE7, FF2 and Opera9 no problems.

Thanks for the check; and thaks for the website--didn't know about that one: very handy.

Now, how about getting users to register/visit/participate in the site? Any recommendations there from the more experienced forum admins?

Any browser issues?  Was able to do limited IE checks (I'm a mac-geek).

quaker wrote:

kewl.. this is what i did for my site.. i put in the rss feed aggregator
my link
i started feeding news and who got computer deals...

feed ag. link


Nice, quaker.  I'll keep an eye on your computer deals!  It seems the rss feed aggregator you're using uses SimplePie.  Just beware, if you end up parsing a lot of data:  Maybe, when I get a chance, I'll offer the same mod using Magpie or one of the faster RSS parsers.


I've been toying w/ the idea for this site for a while.  Tried a few OS forum builds, but I was never satisified until finding PunBB.  You guys have done a heck of a job!

Let me know what you think:
