thanks but i realy am new to all this so if you or some one else could walk me through it i would realy appreciate it, my aim is btowncruiser09
2 2007-05-05 00:10
Topic: i am new and need some help (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
ok i am new to haveing a website and i have my domain hosted with
i created a data base called punbb and then useing webshell(ftp) i transfered all the files from the zip folder i downloaded here to my server, i made all the folders the way they were in the zip folder i got here so basicly every thing is the same as it is in the zip folder. now i am stuck and didn't see or find any instructions on how to install this software, if any one could help me or walk me through it that would be realy cool.