What are catagories?

i believe they do; I haven't met someone who doesn't use ie for ftp. And... Well... I am having problems getting jaws to read the textboxes in smartftp, it just says "edit." which means an edit field; no label of anything I haveto write. So now what can I do?

How did you know I had Jaws...
In any case I do. I am gonna try smartftp because I saw that on google as well, first result that came up.

And now... Once I get this whole thing up and running, how and what can I do with the adminastrative interface? For example: delete users (very harsh move...), delete posts (something useful for getting rid of spam posts), and closing topics (would be cool if you want to say, "paws off this topic..."), add ranks (new member, advanced, guru, etc.). And finally: the ability to separately custimize ranks. Example: Mike: new member. But the admin wants to be something else... Whatever; just something cool to have. Actually I should'vr put that in the "suggestions" forum but...
And also how do you make forums? For example: gaming is one forum, game news another, off-topic is another...
Thank you guys,

What ftp clients can I use that are free because I use ie6 which obviously doesn't have that. So what kind of clients can I use for this?

Hi, how do you chmod that? For example, how do I set the permissions so that php can do what it has to do? And also, how do I go about doing this, what programs/tools do I need for this chmod thing?

When I tried to install punbb with the webhost called zendurl
is their site, I received this error at the end:
PunBB / Error

An error was encountered
Error: Unable to write configuration cache file to cache directory. Please make sure PHP has write access to the directory 'cache'.

So now what...

I have something else:
Lets say, when you browse to the website, you need to click, for example, a link that says "forum." I can do:
<a href="http://xxx.com">forum</a>

So in the xxx part, what address do I put so it can link?
Thank you,

I got (or have just found...) a webhosting that has php and my sql. Will it work in PunBB? And I have a question: I am blind and use a screenreader. Do you think that any of punbb's functions will work with a screenreader?

Ok. Thanks guys. You have other suggestions for forums and/or messageboards?

Like how to get this whole thing started. I have a bravehost website, and I just dont know what to upload, how to run the php script (it is php right...), and how to do that database thing that you need. It said something about my sql, what is that, and how can I get that? Once I have that where should I put it, on the website, or install it on my computer...

And what does it mean, subscribe to this topic? But if you could answer the other questions, I dont know where to find anything.
Thank you,
Andy Smith

I am new (as you can tell). I dont even know how to set it up, I have a website at bravehost and I wanna setup forums about audiogames, which are games for the blind. What do I need and how can I get it, and is it free. Also I need to know what to upload, and if you could tell me the approxamite size that would be good, I only have 50mb. Anyway I also would like a manual on how to use this thing, because I have invisionfree forums that are crappy, pieces of junk. So... Reply...