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I think that
a email like can be converted to xx at yy dot co dot in .
is not enought in present days, I am looking for somethink, that can convert text into image, because it`s nearly impossible to extract text from the picture with standart pixel resolution (72 dpi)
the idea is:
1. input email in text mode
2. when viewing the profile - show the picture from that text
3. man who want to send a mail just type them in e-mail client (no more spam, all happy )
I am also waiting for it...
Rickard, after enabling DEBUG mode it look`s like :
An error was encountered
File: z:\home\localhost\www\forum\conv\_topics.php
Line: 32
PunBB reported: Unable to save to table: topics
Database reported: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ' 'Farch', 0, '4' )' at line 10 (Errno: 1064)
i apologize that`s the problem with my ipb database... says
An error was encountered
Error: Unable to save to table: topics.
Notice: Use of undefined constant db - assumed 'db' in z:\home\localhost\www\forum\include\functions.php on line 770
at http://localhost/forum/conv/index.php?page=4
on punbb 1.1.5
do you know how to get [tab] code from ikonboard working in punbb?
i have punbb 1.1.5 and attachment mod 1.0.1 installed, and when i type in:
i get:
Notice: Undefined variable: pun_root in z:\home\localhost\www\forum\include\common.php on line 33
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at z:\home\localhost\www\forum\include\common.php:33) in z:\home\localhost\www\forum\include\functions.php on line 82
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at z:\home\localhost\www\forum\include\common.php:33) in z:\home\localhost\www\forum\attachment.php on line 98
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at z:\home\localhost\www\forum\include\common.php:33) in z:\home\localhost\www\forum\attachment.php on line 100
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at z:\home\localhost\www\forum\include\common.php:33) in z:\home\localhost\www\forum\attachment.php on line 101
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at z:\home\localhost\www\forum\include\common.php:33) in z:\home\localhost\www\forum\attachment.php on line 102
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at z:\home\localhost\www\forum\include\common.php:33) in z:\home\localhost\www\forum\attachment.php on line 104
and then my file appears...what`s wrong?
hm.. when I add $pun_root = './'; before if (is_dir($pun_root)) @include $pun_root.'config.php'; in common.php all go right...
Rickard is there any source for "portal" engine at (news, blocks, etc), we can do same mod based on it and named it as PunPortal
$code = highlight_string($code, true);
that`s it
if you want perfect line number <-> code alignment then use this one:
function phpHighlight($code){
$code = "<?php\n".$code."\n?>";
$code = stripslashes($code);
$code = highlight_string($code, true);
$code = explode('<br />', $code);
$text = "<div style='margin:0px 5% 0px 5%;'>PHP:<hr /><table
style='padding:0px; border-spacing: 0px 0px;'>";
$text .= "<tr><td style='font-family:Verdana; font-size:10px;
vertical-align:middle; background-color:#FFFFE1;'>".
($x+1)."</td><td><div style='margin:0px 5px 0px 5px;'>".
$text .= "</table><hr /></div>";
return $text;
(C)Malcolm … string.php
? ?????? ?????????? ? ???????? ???
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