Im installing that messaging system, if I have any more problems ill let you know.

Thanks for your help.

I got that part fixed... whats the best way to show how many messages a user has when logged in?

Nvm... i guess punbb doesnt have messaging =P, is there a mod for this?

I had something similar, but I removed them and put yours.

I get the following error:

I searched and didnt find anything, and looked in the how to faq above.

I have an external php file on my website, the index.php. It is not associated with the forums. I got my index to pull news from the forums etc, but I want my index to show if a user is logged in or not. I couldnt figure out how your cookie/login works, and where each variable is pulled from.

Whats the best/easiest way to see if a user is logged in or out on my index file.
